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Father's Day Flop

stormabruin's picture

So the kids were supposed to come spend a few hours with us at DH's mom's house yesterday. His mom has been having trouble with her legs & doesn't walk well. Even with her cane, she's fallen twice in the last month. This last fall left her with bruises up & down her left side & a knot on her head. Our plan was to pick up the kids, pick up a couple of buckets of KFC & just spend a couple of hours at MIL & stepdad's house.

SD texted DH yesterday morning to tell him happy Father's Day. He texted back & asked if they were still coming. She replied with "I thought it was yesterday that you wanted to see us".


If she thought they were supposed to come Saturday, we'd have heard something from them before Sunday. He didn't text her back. He was pissed.

SS called to tell him happy Father's Day. DH asked him about coming. He said BM was at the hospital Saturday with an infection in her teeth or something & went on to say they had a cookout that night with BM's friends, but that yesterday she was sick in the bed again with her tooth hurting.


MIL called yesterday morning around 10:30am & said that stepdad was taking her to the ER because she couldn't breathe. I told her be sure to call us when they found something out so we'd know she was okay. We called their house at 4:30pm & again at 6:30pm because we hadn't heard anything. No answer. So, I called the hospital to see if she'd been admitted. She was still in the ER but they were getting ready to admit her. From what stepdad said, she has pneumonia & the enzymes in her blood are off, so they suspect she had another heart attack.

I guess when DH gets off work he'll come by & get me & we'll head to the hospital.

Yes, the world stops when BM has a fucking toothache but they don't bat an eye when their 70-year old grandmother is in the hospital with pneumonia that could kill her & possibly a 2nd heart attack.

I'm so fucking pissed at those kids. I'm pissed at BM, but I'm seriously livid with how selfish those kids are. I can just imagine the lashing that DH would've gotten from BM & both kids had he just called to tell SS congratulations on his graduation & not cared to show up for it. They expect everyone to stop living & celebrate them & their existence on demand but can't crawl out of BM's ass to give just a moment of their precious fucking time to the people who truly want to see them happy.

All day yesterday I was pissed. DH was hurt but just kind of blew it off. He won't say anything to them but, "Okay, well, I hope to see you soon".

They are so fucking selfish & thankless & dismissive. To be honest, right now part of me hopes that they do fuck off long enough to live with regrets for the rest of their lives because of how they've treated DH & his family. The other part of me can't wish for that because it would mean that DH wouldn't get to mend things with them either.


DaizyDuke's picture

They are so fucking selfish & thankless & dismissive. To be honest, right now part of me hopes that they do fuck off long enough to live with regrets for the rest of their lives because of how they've treated DH & his family.

these were my thoughts exactly yesterday after SD14 ruined the whole fucking day for DH by being a selfish, thoughtless little bitch. I just posted about the little stunt she pulled and how much I hate her right now. I actually cried FOR DH yesterday... it hurts to see someone you love getting treated like shit over and over and over again. DH says, he's used to it, that's the way it's always been... I say bullshit... doesn't make it right or acceptable.

stormabruin's picture

"it hurts to see someone you love getting treated like shit over and over and over again."
This is what pisses me off more than any of it.

He gets upset because I get so upset, but he doesn't understand the place I'm in. He's the one in a place to speak up & say everything I want to say but he won't.

Coming from me, it would do nothing but cause more grief. It wouldn't strike a chord or open their eyes, so I can do nothing but just watch it happen.

stormabruin's picture

Do people like that outgrow it or are they so selfish that they never make it far enough out of their own little shiny glow to recognize that, because of choices they made, they've missed out on things they will NEVER have the opportunity to get back???

stormabruin's picture

I can't imagine ever enjoying watching them treat him like shit. However, our situations are very different in that my DH has always made it very clear that I'm his partner, & that he expects his children to respect me the same way he respects me.

If it were any different, I wouldn't be with him.

instantfamily's picture

Bravo to you! You're so right; everyone deserves some of the blame. Most of us (me included) blame SM but it was DH and SM that made these kids so why didn't they raise them better, together? Dh's get off waaaaayyyyy easier than BM's IMHO. I think that there is still an assumption that the woman is going to take care of the kids and that is just how she'll be judged.