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BM is so dumb sometimes.

Someoneelse's picture

I used to be a medical assistant (went to school for 11 months to take health vitals/ give injections/  take blood)  BM is an LVN went to college for years to basically do the same thing and get paid more, and SHOULD know more... 

Sd has pneumonia, she went to the hospital on Wed, was given antibiotics and was sent home. Well she was still feeling bad yesterday (only 1 day of treatment), BM rushed as back to the hospital because she wasn't "all better":

Her temp was still 99.8

Her oxygen starts were 95-97 while resting but went down to 89 while walking (but even just with sd being a big as she is that seems pretty normal, plus she still has pneumonia!)

She's tired and doesn't feel well

All those things seem pretty normal for someone dealing with pneumonia, it's not something that you just take 2 doses of antibiotics and you're all better.  It takes time.  BM, being in any part of the medical field should know that... 

The hospital basically told her the same thing, that she just needs to give it time.

justmakingthebest's picture

I mean, the hospital gives you a list of if X,Y,Z happens- come back immediately. She could have legitimately been concerned. Pnenmonia can be serious and take a turn south quickly. 

Someoneelse's picture

She was getting better, she was improving... concerned about what? That in 24 hrs she wasn't miraculousy completely well? 

justmakingthebest's picture

Maybe she was having shortness of breath. Taking a kid to the ER while having pneumonia is something I wouldn't criticize. I would rather err on the side of caution. But I'm a BM too, so my kids health will always be my priority. 

Someoneelse's picture

I'm a BM as well as a sm, if sd wasnt getting better id totally get it... but also BM and SD are hypochondriacs. BM will rush sd to the hospital over a stomach ache, sd has seen several different PCOS specialists for YEARS trying to prove that she has PCOS. And she's seen so many different thyroid specialists as well trying to prove thar she has hypothyroidism a well... she had been told NUMEROUS times by NUMEROUS doctors that she doesn't have either. I'm not saying that she doesn't have pneumonia (because obviously if the dr says she has it, and has prescribed antibiotics and inhaler for it) but i will say that if the dr (at a second hospital) sent her back home and neither Dr thought it was severe enough for her to be actual admitted, that I'm sure she's doing fine. She's likely just not getting the amount of attention that she wants and so she's amping up the "woe is me"


BM can take her to the er as often as she wants, but if the drs keep turning her away, I'm going to keep thinking that she's being hilarious. 

ndc's picture

My DD had pneumonia when she was barely two. She was prescribed antibiotics and an inhaler at urgent care and they told us signs to watch for and told us if we were worried about her to take her to the children's hospital about an hour away. We didn't feel any need to take her. I had pneumonia as a child and was just treated by my pediatrician. The only people I know who've been hospitalized for pneumonia here in the US were elderly, so anecdotally I'd say it's different here.

Someoneelse's picture

Exactly! A 2yo with pneumonia is a scary thing, they are still so small, they'd fall in the dangerous category. Once your 8, 9, 10 it's not TYPICALLY dangerous as long as you are taking your meds, and resting (which sd is a serial rester, she does everything in her power to not exert an ounce of energy). Once you hit your mid - late 50s pneumonia starts posing a risk again. 

Rags's picture

And whether or not it is Viral or Bacterial.

Basically, hospitalization is an option on a case by case basis.

At least in my own experience.  I had pneumonia a few times as a child and teen.

Someoneelse's picture

As of yesterday night sd is feeling great and back to her normal self, I've made sure DH called her on the daily to check on her. I told him it would just take a while for her to get back too feeling good. Typically pneumonia only is dangerous to infants and old people.  Yes it can go bad for teens and young adults, but not typically.  But it is usually not something that you recover from in 24hrs... and BM should have known that. She's been a nurse for Almost 20yrs