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BS following right in Sperm Donor's shoes......

stepsonhatesme's picture

My BS has had a job for roughly, and Im not stretching it, 1 month. He has already been fired. He has worked, or supposed to have worked is a beter term, for 15 days. Out of those 15 days he either left early, or never showed up for at least 10 of those days!! This is the 3rd job in 2 years that he has had that he has been fired from.
He is in this class at school where to get credit for the class you have to have a job. I just talked to his teacher this morning about him loosing this job. His teacher asked me if I knew if BS stole anything from this job. I told him not to my knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did. The teacher said he is going to look into it, but to me it sounds like things have come up missing. My son was working with a bunch of guys, around trucks and cars, like in a garage. So who knows all what could have come up missing. I guess I wll find out later though.
I have already contacted BS PO to schedule a meeting. To see where we can go from here. BS has 82 days until he turns 18. I have a feeling, since he keeps messing up, that his PO is going to wait and send him to jail when he does turn 18.


19BD didnt get married before BF left for basic. He is being sent home due to medical issues. They are going to get an apt together and then this spring or something like that they will then get married. I am going to go with her today to look at a few places and look for furniture too. She is actually seeing things MY way and understanding what I am telling her !! :jawdrop: surprise surprise! Smile

BD16 is still working and not having any issues out of her lately. Smile

SS21 just got busted for weed. But idk much else, we read it in the paper, and he doesn't come around.
SS19 doesnt come around either, so things are quiet on that front.