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I'm having Thanksgiving again

iamlosingit's picture read it right.  I lost.  But I am not mad.  I am calm.

Kind of an eerie calm.....

Mom and brother are going to be picked up by dad and brought over like last year.  Dad said he will contribute to food costs and said I did "an amazing job last year, the food was really good" and he is actually looking forward to joining us again. *shok* Brother has been clean/sober for six months now and surprisingly offered to contribute to food costs as well.  He is doing really well.  Just found out that grandma has been pretending mom doesn't exist and now brother has been taking over her care in terms of getting her pills sorted and making sure she takes them.  I feel sorry for him, but it's about time he stepped up and acted like a member of the family.  I am immensely proud of him and the maturity he has been showing lately.

DH has invited his 2 brothers, brother's gf (only one), aunt, sister, sister bf, and sister's son.  MIL is detoxing off drugs again so we are unsure if she is joining us this year. (long story. she was really good at hiding her usage, we didn't know).  Dh just found out last weekend that his grandmother has been talking to BM behind his back and giving her money.  I do not know much more about this, but I know he is unhappy and I do not know if she will be joining us.  We have ss from noon to 8 p.m..

I told DH I will cook the turkey (I honestly had a lot of fun with  my first turkey last year, everyone's suggestions helped) but since DH is inviting so many of his family members, he is in charge of everything else.  I have told him this. I might cook a few pies as I really enjoy baking, but I'm not doing anything else.

I am not cleaning.  I am not stressed.  I am happy.  If nothing is ready except the turkey on Thanksgiving, I don't care.  I will have my hidden "stash" of wine, I wll listen to music, I will be fantastic.

Not my problem.  At least it isn't three days before thanksgiving like last year.



Harry's picture

Can help with the cooking,  Make it a real family meal 

iamlosingit's picture

it's too soon to know for sure what members of DH family will show,  but yes I do plan on asking them to bring sides Smile

Siemprematahari's picture

That's awesome and hope you, your family, & friends all enjoy the wonderful Thanksgiving season. Also keep in mind to be grateful that you are able to have this holiday and may everyone contribute and create wonderful memories together.

Secret stash of wine is always a great idea Wink

notasm3's picture

I hosted Christmas for years after my mother died 20 years ago.  The past two years I have skipped town. 

I agreed to host this year (about 15 people),  but with a big caveat.  I am making turkey , gravy and my homemade rolls.  If no one brings anything else we will have turkey sandwiches with gravy.  I’m tired of people only bringing leftover desserts/appetizers from parties they have been too.  Seriously who takes a half eaten pie to someone ‘s home for dinner for 15 people?

iamlosingit's picture

my mom showed up with two un-cooked acorn squash last year lol I know she meant well.  I felt so bad " you know all the food is ready, right?" someone really brought half a pie?? Did they at least cut it to look like it was intentional?

grace8205's picture

OMG, who brings half a pie to their hostess? We do the pot luck thing all the time for big holidays. DH's older brother would bring some strange things, for example and unmixed package of powdered nacho cheese mix. So with ppl like that I just direct them exactly what to bring. But this years sounds like it will be less stressful than last year.


ndc's picture

Seriously?  I've never heard of such a thing!  People actually brought leftovers?  I guess it makes sense to bring leftovers that might otherwise go to waste for others to enjoy, but I'd think that'd be an extra - something in addition to the dish you were bringing.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

since DH is inviting so many of his family members, he is in charge of everything else. 

Excellent plan!!