iamlosingit's Blog
OT- grandfather passed away, family imploding
My final day at work before "vacation" my boss approaches me. For those who may not remember my blog last year, our entire company is being merged into an existing building in a different city since it was purchased. Current building was being rented by previous company and new company says they have the space to take us on and eliminate rental cost. The final move wasn't supposed to take place until maybe next year due to all of the equipment that needs relocating.
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Countdown 10 days....will BM give in?
I doubt it.
BM "summer trip" launches on the 21st. STILL no itinerary or location given. She has already violated the CO by not giving 30 days notice and details.
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"It's your job to love SS"....camping trip from hell
We have a mutual friend/couple that we usually go camping with together due to having kids around the same age. We went on one trip with kids and one trip with no kids last year and didn't really have any issues. Memorial Day weekend was the first camping trip of the season, we had SS so naturally these friends invited themselves along once they figured out where we were going.
Yep, I was right-OT
SO...my birthday. When I got up for work that day DH got up shortly after, finished off the coffee himself, and sat on the couch with his phone (here we go again, wonder what he has "planned" after I leave). Nothing was said when I left. It wasn't until the afternoon that I got a Facebook message "Wife! We celebrate tonight!". Great job DH...Facebook had to remind you it was my birthday.
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"take your kid to work day"-here we go...
As predicted...DH is all in a snit because Thursday is "take your kid to work day". He is already starting off all wrong. He never gave BM 30 days notice that he wanted to do this, and also got the dates wrong. He though it was Friday, which he thought was perfect because we have SS this weekend anyway so he can just pick him up and bring him home with him after.
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OT-more bad news
The hits keep coming.
Just found out over Easter Brunch (DH and I forced to secrecy so I need to share here or I will lose it) that MIL might now have lung cancer. She survived cervical cancer when she was younger, breast cancer within the last two years, and now she might have lung cancer. They did a usual full body scan at her check-up and found two large masses in her lungs. She found out via letter on the 19th (can't believe they couldn't call her at least) and they won't have the results until either this Friday or next Friday.
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(OT-Take ibuprofen) & BM now accusing us of abuse
DH did come to the appointment. SIL jumped on to take over pick up for SS so DH could go straight from work. We were in the room for maybe 15 minutes with the actual doctor. She did another pelvic exam, felt the same as before and sadly I WAS feeling better until she did the exam. Now it's back again.
She said it wasn't a hernia but the other doctor had to get it checked to rule it out as a potential.
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Here we go again with BM and my usual drama
DH was being SO supportive of my upcoming appointment today for an ultrasound (external this time) that he went out of his way to ask SIL and MIL watch SS for a few hours today so he could meet me at the clinic. It was unexpected and not something I pushed or even hinted for him to do. MIL has been a great voice of reason and called me on Friday to discuss said appointment and to ask if DH talked to me about going. She said he is frustrated with the treatment I have been getting and wants to be supportive, adding that sometimes it helps to have another voice in there that might think of
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OT-DR appt me (new dr, new diagnosis again)
So...Friday I had another appointment with a dr at park nicollete. He performed a pelvic exam....and didn't use any type of lubricant on his gloves or on the "jaws of death". I almost kicked him in the face, no warning just "please scoot to the end of the table...little more....more....more" then WHAM inserts tool of death with NO warning and NO lubrication. I yelled. Hurt all fekking weekend.
New diagnosis?
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BM "april fools" SIL
My SIL has a husband with two children from his prior marriage. They took a family vacation out of state for their anniversary on
April 1st. He did NOT have his kids that weekend.
I guess while they were gone BM texted him on their anniversary that his son fractured his arm in hockey practice and wanted him to come home right away.
Her DH didn't tell her this until after because he didn't want to ruin their anniversary....but it turned out to be a "April Fool's Joke".
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