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Two separate families-- One home...

steppingsideways's picture

DH has two children, SS 7 and SD 5. I have two children DS 8 and DS 5. DH has always struggled with favoritism with his son. It's evident to many members of our family. It's also very evident that he doesn't feel a natural inclination towards my children. I feel that he sometimes nit picks at my children and is very critical of their behavior. The Skids can act the same way and his reaction to them (mainly SS 7) is completely different. SS7 can do no wrong. We have had the 'come to Jesus' discussion a MILLION times. I simply will NOT stand for unequal treatment in our household. Our last talk, I basically broke down and said "what is SO wrong with my children that you can't seem to have some sort of feeling towards them????' Things were going much better for a couple weeks but now I feel we are back to where we started.

I've also noticed that his lack of desire to have any positive interactions with my children and caused me to withdraw from his. I feel like, if he wants to scrutinize my children's ever move then I'll start pointing out all the negative behavior his children bring to our home (getting up at 4:30am; whining, incessant demands for attention, food and anything else their little hearts desire). I understand that this is completely immature and I need to pull myself back from engaging in this but once I let myself stew in this negativity, I'm finding it hard to get back to a more positive place.

I'm also a bit more sensitive to DH's interactions with my children lately as their bio-father recently decided to move out of the country. They REALLY need DH's support right now. He's the only 'father-figure' they have or are going to have but faking a 'that a boy' or a 'love you' seems to be too much for him to muster at this point.

Sometimes, I really wonder if all this blended family bullshit is just impossible. It doesn't ever seem to get better.


Crazysteplife12's picture

I have gone through similar situations. My dh would always check to sure bd8 cleaned her room but wouldn't check Sd12. I had to make him realize that these are ALL children and not going to do what we tell them, so if u check up one then you should check them all. He should try to have a relationship with your children and if they don't recepricate then that's on them but make the effort bc they mean so much to you.

steppingsideways's picture

For the maybe 2 weeks that he was actually being affectionate towards them, they absolutely responded to it 110%. They are constantly seeking his approval. My kids were 3 and 5 when we first met. Surprisingly, they think very highly of him despite his lack of interest in them. It's gut wrenching for me to see their bio-dad basically abandon them and then a man that I brought into their life, their step-dad, reject them.

Crazysteplife12's picture

That is hard. Their is only so much a mother can do. I don't necessarily think he is fair all the time but he does reach out to my bd8.