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Stepkids' Siblings...

Steppin's picture

I am wondering if you have relationships with your skids' siblings (so a kid by a different man obviously).. or vice versa.. if you have kids with your SO and BM has a relationship with them?

I think I'm a minority in that all our kids hang out together. SS10 has a 9-year old sister with a different dad. And I have two kids with DH.

BM just asked me one time if I could watch SS10 last summer.(DH was working) I said sure and asked if she needed someone to watch her DD9 too and she said that'd be great. I had never met the girl, but just wanted to be nice. Anyway I ADORE that girl! I enjoy her company waaaay more than SS10's. So ever since then, they've sort of been a package deal. I hang out with the girl, while my DH and SS do their boring video games. Both my kids LOVE SS10 and his sister. And vice versa Smile
Then BM babysits my kids sometimes.(She's watching my BS2 tomorrow, in fact.) I just think we sort of have a weird situation compared to most steps. She and DH do.not.speak. At all. Haven't in almost 5 years. So it's kind of weird that she and I get along so well.

Anyway sorry for the ramble. Just wondering if any of you know your BM's other kids or if she knows yours at all! Thanks.


MotherTrucker's picture

I would trust BM to watch my kids in an emergency, but it has yet to come up. I would watch her son too if she asked, but I have never had to. A year ago, she offered to watch my girls when I started working again and I declined because I had already set up childcare with my aunt. Good thng I did because shit hit the fan right after that and she now says that I am a horrible person and mother, etc, etc, etc.

second string's picture

My SS8 has 4 siblings and another on the way, all with different fathers. Due to BM moving every 6 months, DH insisted that SS go to a charter school in our city so he wouldn't have to keep changing schools. The agreement that DH made with BM is that he would pick SS up from her house every morning and take him to school and she would pick him up. BM has now enrolled the rest of her kids in the same school so DH takes them all every day and she picks them up. All of the kids simply adore DH and he is really good with them. None of them have fathers in the picture so DH tries to be a good male role model for them. We also occasionally take the one closest in age to SS with us on weekend camping trips so that SS has someone to play with. To be honest though, all of this really bothers me just for the simple reason that they are HER kids not DH's.

KiFire's picture

There has never been any intermingling before.. but the girls are getting older and I think BM2 is actually going to get SD7 from BM1's for SD4's 5th b-day in a couple weeks because the party wasn't planned on a w/e that FDH has SD7.

Other than that, no, never. I will probably never see BM1's new kid, I've only ever seen pictures of BM2's younger one and doubt I will meet the one she's having in November - despite the fact that they are not only SD4's half siblings, but also related to my BS3 through an, interesting mess. (small towns, shit happens)

Preggo and Resentful's picture

SS12 has one sister, and we have taken her along with us when we've taken SS somewhere with BM's permission. She doesn't get to spend much time with her own dad, so she always enjoys coming with us for family time anywhere. SS even seems to enjoy it since she spends most of her time with me and not bothering him LOL.

BM has invited us to her birthday parties, teeball games, etc as well...which IMO is a bit strange, but everyone is different. I probably won't be inviting her to our BS's birthday parties and such, but that's just me.