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Poll: Does your BM whore around and land lots of men?

furkidsforme's picture

Steppin's blog got me thinking.

My BM from hell is 43. She is overweight, not obese but at least 50 pounds too heavy. She is not overly attractive naturally. She does not wear clothing that best suits her build. She does not wear her hair in a flattering style or color. In fact, right now her hair is a very garish FAKE crayola crayon type color. SHe dresses like she's 20, and looks like a sausage that got wrapped too tight.

I've seen some sexy older women, and she AIN'T IT.

BUT... this BM lands good looking single men left and right. Granted, her victims are getting younger and younger. My theory is that men her own age have wised up to the type that play her game and steer clear. She gets knocked up, and lives off of CS and social services. Literally, this is her life plan.

Anyone else witness this phenomena?

When I was single I was pretty good looking, had a really nice figure, lots of varied interests, was the life of the party, and had a great job that let me be very financially stable on my own. I couldn't find a guy without a litter of kids or who hadn't been married 4 times to save my life!!!!



theoutsider's picture

BM does this, but she only manages to land MARRIED men!
Long story but that's all she ever gets, then gets pissed when they don't leave their wives,...

Hooray for her this last one left his wife of 15 years for her!
Her parents must be so proud! :sick:

Disneyfan's picture

I wouldn't say crazy ass is a whore. She just has a gift for finding stupid men~men who a willing to throw money at her and SDs6&8.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

What I don't understand about the continuous string of "serious" live in boyfriends bm has is how none of them stop and go: wait, so you're telling me that you have no legal rights to one kid, who you rarely see and are not involved with, and have no physical custody of the other, who you rarely see and are not involved with. the kids are by two different fathers and you've had a third pregnancy by a third guy since then. Explain to me again how you are the pitiful victim and you're parents who have adopted te one kid and the father who has sole custody of the other kid are evil. I just want to be really clear about why we hate these people since nothing I see or hear backs up what you tell me.

Tuff Noogies's picture

OSS told DH and i "the stupid ho needs to make her mind up."


i'm sure Dumbass gives it up to whoever supplies her with the most pills on any given day, but have no proof.

what we DO know and CAN prove is this - she had Mr Potato Head already roped in long before she and DH got divorced. THEN she had New Dick 'in the wings' before she and Mr.P.H. got divorced. now she flip-flops between Mr.P.H. and New Dick, with the skids in tow. classy...

stormabruin's picture

Heaven forbid a woman ever be overweight.

Ironic though, that as awesome & attractive as you proclaim to be, the woman you judge for being unattractive & overweight is catching the good-looking single men.

You sound jealous.