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furkidsforme's Blog

Financial Infidelity- AGAIN How do I find ALL of his debt if he won't disclose?

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So I have once again found out that my DH has debt that he has failed to disclose to me. In our 10 year marriage, we have had 3 HUGE blowups around the issue of money and his financial secret-keeping. The last two arguments he has sworn that he had revealed every single last dollar of debt.

I set myself up to cause problems.....

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So yesterday I got myself all in a tizzy.
This is long and boring and you have my apologies.

You see, there is a pattern DH and I have that really infuriates me. We both work, but I work from home. He does shift work, and when he's not at his paying job he works around our farm as well. I work in the farm office, currently in our home.

How can a man miss 14 years of a behavior pattern???????? SMH

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I shall title this "The War of the Red Sauce"

I've been with DH for 14 years, married for 8 of those. When we got together SS was 4. The first few years were hell in many ways, but there was a WAR when it came to food. Whining, sobbing, sliding off his seat, bawling, screaming, refusing to eat.... IT. WAS. WAR.

It was something DH and I argued and fought about constantly. We made it through.

Got my feelings hurt... over dinner. This is stupid.

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As with most step families, there has been a longstanding issue around food. Most has centered around my SS, who is now 17. He was a notoriously picky eater as a child, and we battled through years of whining, crying, refusing to eat, slinking down in his seat, tantrums, harrrumphs, and signs at the table. In the past two years it has *mostly* gotten better, but on occasion the harrumphing and sighs come out again.

Anyone read The Dance of Intimacy? Is our dislike of SKids actually an intimacy blocker?

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So I've been reading lately. A lot.

I recently re-read The Dance of Intimacy. In it, the author explores how people use relationship triangles in order to avoid stressful or anxiety laden issues in their life.

How would you feel if BM gave ex-MIL (now your MIL) a Xmas gift????? Am I being petty?

furkidsforme's picture

So tonight was a holiday dinner for those family stragglers who were out of town or worked on Christmas day. All the SKids were there, SS17, SD23 and SD25.

The SKids had been up to visit their BM earlier in the day, and then came straight to dinner at MIL's.

A Moment of Stunned Silence

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Over dinner tonight, DH and I were discussing SS17 going off to college, and my concerns that basically he will piss away our money because he is not mature enough for college. Then... the unthinkable happened.

1- DH agreed that SS17 likely WILL have trouble with college, but he feels he needs to let him try.
2- DH saw my point that having a child raised with never being held accountable will likely be set up for failure when tasked with something as huge as independent life on campus.
