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Is the BM in Your Life A Stepmom?

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BM is my workout buddy, and she was telling me HORRIBLE stories about her life as a stepparent. She has 4 skids.. their mom HATES BM. They are not allowed to speak to BM or they will be grounded. Kids must be exchanged with cops present.. It sounds like a complete nightmare. It's just weird to think of it the other way around. As bad as things used to be in my situation, they were never that bad! And obviously things have changed a lot. Anyway....

Any of your BM's stepmoms?

Stepkids' Siblings...

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I am wondering if you have relationships with your skids' siblings (so a kid by a different man obviously).. or vice versa.. if you have kids with your SO and BM has a relationship with them?

I think I'm a minority in that all our kids hang out together. SS10 has a 9-year old sister with a different dad. And I have two kids with DH.