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Adult Skids ... input wanted

stepoff's picture

I think we need a new word to reference adult skids. When I talk to DH about his adult kids, I feel weird calling them his 'kids' because they're NOT kids anymore. Other than calling them his son and daughter, I don't even know how to refer to them. When I blog or reply to a blog, I feel weird because people might think that I'm referring to actual kids, not grown offspring. I don't want to get the wrong message across, which I think has happened in the past. When I first visited this site, I would say how I handled a situation with the 'skids' and get some negative remarks because people thought I was talking about under-age kids, not adults.

So I was thinking, maybe 'AS' for adult-step-kids for blogging?

How can I refer to the adult skids when talking to DH?


stepoff's picture

'AS works for me...but then when you are talking about skids...does that make it ASs?'

Me likey!!!