Unfriending on FB
Hey all,
I haven't posted much recently and this is my first blog.
I want to ask a question where the answer is likely very simple yet feels complicated.
(I am a SM with SKs and a bio child). Some context. Had step kids for the last 22 years. At times it has been 'good' and at times very toxic. I finally put a boundary around it - which I should have done years ago - but it was always my hope that things would improve. I realised that actually the first 10 years with their mother (with likely undiagnosed BPD) did more damage than could be repaired.
So, fast forward 22 years and having put in a boundary - but with a door open (by their dad as well) where we have said 'hey, we want a relationship with you but we really can't do it unless we go to a mediator with you and discuss unresolved things - or even just how to move forward. You can choose the mediator, we can do it on zoom if preferred and we will pay.' We have also said that we don't have to go together (initially).
They chose not to do that - with some form of retaliation such as 'so every time we have an argument we have to go to mediation?'. (This is our first mediation suggestion). So, we have said - 'all good, let us know if you change your mind'. And we have not had anything to do with them since (1 year).
Fast forward another year - the SK we suggested mediation with has now had a baby. They have blocked us on FB (and other) from the announcement of the birth and all the details - but we get some scarce information. We believe it is punishment as when they declined mediation they said that they would keep the door open for us to share THEIR lives when we want and they were looking to create memories and get support (or supporting each other).
My question is this - I don't want to be an audience on their FB anymore for them to 'play' at what they want us to know. I would rather unfriend (not just unfollow) and leave them to it with the understanding that they know how to reach us if they want to try and make things work.
So, would you unfriend or would you let them keep blocking you from information and sharing only some bits? They didn't share the birth details even with her bio dad etc. TIA.
- Stepmummingfun's blog
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If you think unfriending will
If you think unfriending will cause additional drama AND you're trying to keep the door open, Unfollow them. You won't see posts unless you go to their page to look. Also, you can customize your posts to hide whatever you don't wish to share.
Thanks for thoughts. I get
Thanks for thoughts. I get the 'how to reduce drama bit - but the question I have is why would you maintain a relationship on FB with someone who actually doesn't want to put the effort in and go to a mediation (their choice) and hide things from you on FB? Where does self-respect come into it?
Then unfriend them. If they
Then unfriend them. If they want to make contact, they know where you live.
FB is like sprinkles on a
FB is like sprinkles on a cupcake, it doesn't add very much but looks pretty to outside eyes. You do not have to play 'let's pretend' w/ them on FB when they won't put kindess or effort into you in reality land.
I'd unfollow to remove their posts from your view or just plain unfriend completely if that's better for your mental state. I do have one rule of thumb for myself on the book of face, if I unfriend I will probably never refriend and if someone unfriends me I do not ever accept a friend request from them in the future. That may not work for you but removing thier nonsense from your view is not a bad thing, especially if they're refusing you in their lives in real time.
having put in a boundary -
Souds like a reasonable boundary to me
Sometimes so much stuff has gone down, there's so much to unpack and it's very difficult to do so without a professional
Until they learn healthy communication......yes!
Probably is a petty passive aggressive behavior
Lot of mentally unstable people use their offspring as pawns.
"Hey if you don't do x,y,z for me then you will never see these kids" ...
Just as easy it is for them to attempt to manipulate you so be just as easy to replace them/their spawns with someone else who has kids but more respectful behavior
You shouldn't have to be emotionally blackmailed by unsavory stepkids, their uterus, or their spawns
When it comes to Facebook just know its messy and for me personally I prefer to block people. 90% of the time they have too much social media attention seeking to know you blocked them and if you change your mind bc they acting right you can simply unblock.
If you unfollow, they will know rather quickly because you'll pop up in their "friends you might know" section (leaving them putting two and two together like 'hmm I thought we were friends?') and if you change your mind you will be at their mercy to re-friend you
So while blocking sounds more harsh it's actually better for moving in silence and easier to un-do if you change your mind
If you change
your mind you after blocking them you'll still have to send them a friend request.
As far as I know, you unblock
As far as I know, you unblock and it's business as usual as if nothing happened
Idk I haven't done it in a while though.
When you block someone and then unblock them the friend relationship is gone, too. One time my husband did this to his kids because he just didn't want to see their crap anymore and it blew up in his face. It was so strange - his kids had half a gazillion of "friends," never acknowledged anything he posted, refused to see him but knew within an hour that he blocked them and rained down the fires of hell on his head.
Really. SK don’t want a relationship
They want to cause drama in your life. For screwing up there lives.. parents didn't do it by divorce each other. You and there father screwed up there life. So now they in all good faith and style will screw up the GK. BLOCK her, blocking on Al, Facebook type of accounts is part of disengagement. You are being disrespected, ..face that fact. Unless you bend over and kiss there ass. ,.. you will be a outsider. All they want is you and your SO to fight over them. Just totally disengage... who cares about there life. There GK, there problems.. you don't
Unfriend them. Block them.
Unfriend them. Block them. They made a choice to not participate in healing the relationship. They are hoping to hurt you by trickling info. Don't give them that opportunity. If DH want to stay connected that's on him but you as stepmom CAN disconnect from them. I have some of mine blocked. I have BM and her flying monkeys blocked. I chose to protect myself. FB is toxic anyways. Limit it for yourself.
I'm going to say that your choice
depends on how much access you really are comfortable giving to the skids. Depends on how you feel about that situation. If you feel the need to unfriend or block or both, thats your call. As long as you understand that you are not obligated to grant them more access and availabilirty than you want to. No more than if they were anyone else if you feel thats whats best for yoiu. And yes the emotional manipulation is all too real,, especially once the SKIDS regenerate...easier said that done but dont feed into that as much as you can. Take it from me, in some cases, they willl used whatever they can as leverage hence the guilt trip method
Block them and stop giving them space in your head.
Their loss.
Good riddance.
People like your Skid(s) don't traise decent offspring so you aren't missing out on anything of note on that either.
Take care of you and your marriage.
I don't know much about
I don't know much about FaceBook. So, if you just unfollow them, they don't know that you've done that, correct? But, if you unfriend them, they know that you've unfriended them?
I would unfriend them. Right now, they feel that they have all of the power when it comes to the relationship and the info they do or don't want to share. I would take that power away and let them know that YOU have made the decision to not get their trickles through FB, at their whims. If they want a real relationship, they can reach out in a real way.
I have unfollowed skids and
I have unfollowed skids and have my FB default audience set to not include them, so there is zero FB interaction between us and I am no longer witness to BPD Mommy Praise posts while their FB world is led to believe that skids were the products of virgin births. I, too, considered unfriending but do believe that would create unnecessary drama.
I have heard this end of conversations between SS and DH and DH is saying, "Yea, she posted the pictures," leading SS to go look. And I silently smirk.
The problem with
using the default audience is that they can still see what you post - and comment on them.
I have unfollowed skids
I never adding skids so I won't have to unfollow
Theyll just be unfollowed by default
Facebook is messy as HELL
I never even added my ex fiancé nor his family
He protested and his family n friends tried to tell him it wasn't normal but I was not about to have FB destroy my peace. Probably won't even add my future husband just change my status to married.
I want to doom scroll in peace without getting trigger by peoples annoying narcissistic behaviors on social media
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your thoughts/comments.
It is so lovely to hear your experiences and advice. I love this community for its understanding of the situation. It is so hard to explain to others what it feels like!
I did forget to tell you that SD's partner unfriended me on his linkedin but not his FB. I have assumed that it is because it is more obvious to SD if he did it on his FB. Because we are not in touch she wouldn't know about his linkedin but would know about his FB. The other interesting thing is that he isn't close to his own family but stays in touch but encourages SD to not have anything to do with us unless it's on their terms. So, he is unable to distance himself from his own family so got her to do what he couldn't (understandably). Also his family is on the other side of the world - so maybe he wasn't happy for her to have her family here.
I really appreciate you understanding the need to not continue to be put in a situation where they get to choose what we know and what we don't - but instead take yourself away from the games! THANK YOU!!!
At the very least, unfollow.
At the very least, unfollow. That's what I did with my SD. I got tired of seeing her passive aggressively lash out at DH and me for allegedly not spending enough time with her kids.
Problem solved.
And it feels great. I don't have to see any of her online drama anymore. So worth it!
Don’t think we don’t know what it feels like
That's why we are here. We all been through this, I was before Facebook. So I wasn't unfriend. Just not takkeh too. I look at it two ways, I feel bad for SD, who no matter how bad I was, she wasn't sleeping in a car, had name clothing, food , vacations. It's her lost. She is not mine, there's no guilt
Start small
then unfriend
BOTH skids are blocked on my social media.
I've restricted my FB page.
I've restricted my FB page. Only my friends can see what I post but anyone can contact me. I have a SIL that I can barely stand. She's an interfering busybody who has ensured I felt like an outsider and an immigrant. She's a card-carrying National Front (under whatever version happens to be their current mutation). I accepted her as a "friend" to not have to bother with the histrionics but refuse to subject myself to her racist diatribes soooo anything I post is visible to my real friends and she's excluded. I don't have time for that crap. Anyway, she seems to have cottoned on to this because she seems to have done the same thing back. YAY! I am no longer subjected to the hate she spews. Win-win all round.
I feel like it's pointless to
I feel like it's pointless to even friend people a this point.
just follow / unfollow on FB and no one bats an eyelash
Friending people is messy bc once the relationship goes sour "unfriending" just confirms and solidifies the messiness that most likely can/will occur.
also make sure to make your friend list private on fb to cut down on the fb sleuthing/messiness
If you and daddy want to know
If you and daddy want to know something, ask directly. That does two primary things. It is an affirmative connection attempt, and... it puts the onus of an answer or not aswering directly on them.
It is far harder to ignore a question posed directly to the individual than to ignore or manipulate on social media.
We always know when something is up with our kid. His rare communication grows far less frequent. So, we call and ask directly. At that point, we tend to get updates fairly directly.
I have been thinking about
Your comments have got me thinking! I really value your thoughts. I have been thinking about options for step-parents and questioning why we even need to put pressure on ourselves to keep things calm by, for this example, unfollowing and not unfriending etc. I unfollowed a little while back, which of course they didn't know about. What they do believe they have available to them is an audience. I have considered for some time if I should unfriend. As mentioned above, if they don't want to engage in RL and deliberately exclude you from some posts then why stay on their FB page just to ensure we don't rock the boat?
I think so many step-parents take too much responsibility for keeping things calm, not be seen to cause issues, and staying out of the way. When your step-kid's actions are loud we need to practice self-care and stand our ground (respectfully) rather than fear of causing drama. It is what it is. You try hard. It isn't received. You practice self-care and stop putting yourself in the way of other people's stuff. Step-parenting is a thankless task and difficult to explain to people. If I had a friend who was deliberately removing me from seeing their posts - they would not be friends and therefore I would act on it.