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Keep you're fingers crossed....

stepmomNM's picture

Bm is suppose to take skids for two weeks on Sat. Please God let it be true this time..I need a break! She is famous for cancelling visits. Lord knows she has not paid any cs for 4 months so she should have the $ to feed them!


Anywho78's picture

OH...what I wouldn't give for TWO WHOLE WEEKS with my SO minus the Skids...hope she doesn't bale on them & that you get to enjoy your quiet time Smile

Eagle Eye's picture

Good luck!! I sure hope BM picks up her kids!!

My SS14 lives with us f/t and spends summers with BM. This summer he spent 3 weeks with her and he is back with us!! I don't know why! I wasn't informed. One day I came home from work and he was there and hasn't left! I guess I should consider myself lucky for the 3 weeks of peace I had!

stepmomNM's picture

Thanks ladies! bm is so unpredictable so you never know... But I would be happy with even a couple days if I can get that!

Justwantsomepeace's picture

We're on day 11 with no skids out of 31 days. So far so good! Miracles do happen.

Good luck!