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SS12 gets back at BM!

stepmominPA's picture

So the story continues:
This past Sunday was SS12 graduation from 6th grade. DH and I know about this one because I looked it up on school web site. So we get there and there is BM, her latest boyfriend and SD all sitting in a row. SD9 is saving us seats, so we have no choice but to sit in them (she's not the crazy B#tch). I didn't even look at BM or her boyfriend, to me they don't exists. Anyway, the ceremony goes on and at one point all the kids have roses and they are singing their class song when they all come into the audience to give their rose to someone. Most kids give it to their mother. Who does SS12 give it to? ME!!!! Thats right, he looks right at his mom who is sitting 3 chairs down from me and hands me the rose! Truthfully I didn't know what to do! I handed it to DH. I guess that was his payback for missing his play.
DH picked him up later from a friends house to take him home and he said he later wished he gave it to BM because she freaked out on him and took the kids for donuts but wouldn't buy him one (she really likes to play them off each other). Then he told DH he gave me the rose because he wishes I were his mother and he is starting to realize that his mother is an evil person. She is going to loose him one way or another, if not physically as in custody then certainly emotionally.


Amazed's picture

How could she treat him like that just because she didn't get a stupid rose. WTF is she thinking?? That poor kid. That made me feel a bit weepy just thinking about how he feels right now.

"We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled.”

onehappygirl's picture

What a wonderful gesture! I know it was uncomfortable but it really has to make you feel good. My SS13 gave me a mother's day card this year telling me he loves me better than his real mom. I feel bad for that but also feel good that he's comfortable enough to say something like that to me. Cherish the moment.

Stick's picture

I'm sure that one of the reasons SS gave you the rose is exactly what happened after. So crybaby BM wouldn't get him a donut because he didn't give her a rose... on his own graduation day??? What a POS. I'm sorry but she's an idiot and didn't deserve the rose! I'm so glad SS and SD have you in their life!