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The other Parent's household

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I need opinions on just when is it OK to speak up about what goes on at the other parent's house? I know the rule of what goes on at our house stays at our house and vice versa but what if it is or could have a lasting effect on the children? Is it OK to ask the kids how things are going at the other house?

SS actually called on his own!

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SS7 called his dad yesterday about 4:30 and was in great mood and said hey dad I am calling you from mom's phone and was just a talking! That just made H's day. H started asking him how his day was and where did he stay today as his 3 step sisters who keep him were at their mom's. H could tell that SS was trying to OK with his mom that he could tell his dad where he had stayed that day so his mom would not get onto him. Once SS did that BM started yelling you are burning up my minutes get off the phone and so on.

The dread that consumed me Friday about SS turned into 3 police officers at my house!

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BM calls at 5:30 raising hell to H about SS did not want to come he hates us and she cannot wait till he is 12 and can say that he hates us and does not have to come back. She then proceeds to go off about how H said something to her about ss not having food to eat when staying with the 13yr old sitter. BM was yelling and cussing. H told her if ss was not at the house by 6:30 he would call his lawyer and file contempt charges. She told him go ahead big boy and he told her he would he was tired of this crap it was his time with his son.

Need advice...SS is coming and dread is consuming me!

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I am not dreading the fact that SS is coming I am happy to see him. I am dreading seeing him walk in on his bottom lip. See BM calls H at 6:30 this morning to very rudely inform him that she will be dropping SS off tonight. She is so hateful all the time. Well very few and far btw are the times that she drops SS off. H usually does all the transportation. Anyway whenever she does bring SS she grills him the whole way over here about coming and how awful we are etc. essentially make SS feel bad for coming and dreading the situation cause of how his mom will act.

H is so angry that he actually cried last night!

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So H went to pick up SS and his 2 step sisters for our weekly mid week night with him. I cooked salisbury steak, mashed potates, corn, and cressent rolls. We ate about 5:45 or 6. Those girls ate more than my H who works physical labor everyday all day and has big appetite at days end. SS ate a lot as well but not as much as the girls.

Something puzzles me..

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I posted earlier that BM has went to the state to have H send the child support through them. Just last Thursday BM yelled at H and told him she went to the state cause she was tired of wondering when he was going to pay her and she needed that money. OK first of all receipts and cashed checks show a very clear weekly pattern of payment. So last week I went online and paid the child support for last Friday on Wednesday. It cleared H account last Friday. So I check Monday and it shows he paid but did not get credit for it.
