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StepG's Blog

Judges - do they really care?

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Our lawyer called today and she has received the counter suit/complaint from BM's lawyer about us asking for 50/50 time. I am anxious to see what she has in her complaint. The lawyer said of course we will not like what she has to say but she is getting them into the mail to us so we will be getting them before weeks end.

SS comes today and I am so tore up I think I am going to cry!

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Things have been great with SS this summer minus the cops incident in early summer. Things we great until this past weekend and now I am dreading H going to pick him up and worrying that I will not be able to lay down my feelings of hurt and anger we he gets there so that I can welcome him.

Advice on when CS is modified to a reduced amount and possibility that BM can get a pro-bono lawyer

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I am seeking some advice/knowledge on BM and the whole lawyer deal. I posted a while back about what happens if BM does not get a lawyer. BM was served on July 15th with the official petition that has all of our claims and the proposed parenting plan. We have not heard one word from BM either about that....we thought for sure she would blow!

What happens if BM does not get a lawyer?

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We are taking BM back to court to change visitation. What happens when BM gets served her papers and she does not get a lawyer to contest what we are asking for? Has anyone dealt with this, the other party not getting a lawyer? Our lawyer said for sure it would be great for us is she did not but did not say in what way it would be great for us. Any thoughts?
