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Judge Gives it to BM (A Good Day)

StepDeux's picture

So, BM is in big trouble. I didn't realize how very serious contempt is. Okay, I did, but still... }:) She arrived late. Very late, in fact. If only the court had been on time and calls SO's case first, she would have totally missed it and been screwed. }:)

To start with, the bailiff had to kick BM and her friend out for talking to loud. They came super late and then kept talking loud over and over. She was probably super mad I was there.

The judge explained everything to her and she kept talking about "her attorney," although she showed up in court sans her "attorney." She said she was "very sorry" and didn't realize how serious the court stuff was. This coming from a woman who has been to court multiple times this month alone, and sued multiple times through her life. But, I digress... (and SO didn't bring it up yet.)

For the custody/vistation, the judge asked whether she agreed with the order and SO's requests for minor changes. She said no and when asked why said she really didn't want to go into detail and embarass SO in front of a room full of people. I almost peed my pants, I wanted to laugh so hard. The judge did not find that cute or amusing to say the least.

So, she went on to make her allegations, including that she doesn't agree with his "lifestyle or living situation," and said what I do for a living and that I helped him file his motions against her. Her point? :?

She had nothing with her -- no texts, no emails, no recording. Nada. The judge told her that what she was saying were very serious charges and the fact that there have been so many hearings and mediations for the past year and she hasn't shown until now does not make her credible at all.

SO respondent that he does live with me, he works and he doesn't get what her issues are. He also said that she asked us to take SD recently. THe judge ordered them back to mediation (4th or 5th time now) against SO's wishes and told SO to show everything to the mediator.

Also, the judge noted that if BM "really cared" then she would show up at the next hearing (related to custody - not contempt) and that if she didn't he was going to give SO anything he wants. End of story. He also said it just to SO and not really even looking at BM.

He was very nice and told him, "I've seen you. You've been here. I understand what you are trying to do." SO also made himself look really good by saying that he was only here about his child, and not to sling mud at BM or talk bad about her as a person.

One nice thing was that he kept mentioning me and saying that he doesn't want her talking trash about me to SD, and that he wants to protect me from her emails and other harassment.

The only downside is now she has time to dig up dirt on SO to make him look bad, so we have to get all the ducks in a row. I am really pushing to find him a way to get an attorney because I think this is going to get REALLY ugly. I'm talking court ordered psych evals and the whole nine.

On the upside, she looked like a freaking idiot. I loved her whole deal holding on to her tissue for her tears.


StepDeux's picture

I work in the legal field, FWIW. I don't really know what her point was either.

Another sweet thing was SO kept mentioning how BM has been keeping SD from things that she could be doing with SO and his "family." I loved that.

Mediation can work and, yes, the point is to avoid using the court (paid for by us tax payers) and to not clog up the system. Mediation can be a very good thing. In general, I think mediation is helpful when the parties are willing to compromise, but it's clear BM isn't.

I still don't know how she will explain asking to take SD and talking about it for over a month and now suddenly SO is unfit. :? I'm sure she will play the victim card again for that, and the tears.

The silliest part about it all is that SO's not trying to take SD from BM. He just wants his visitation. BM is going to be filing her own motions, she says. The point of that at that this junction is irrelevant since they have to go to mediation, you know? If she were to make a motion, it would be for AFTER the court ordered mediation anyway.

Oh well, no use trying to figure out idiots.