SS, the lying liar
So this morning my SO got a message on OFW from Crazy, saying SS12’s phone got completely wrecked. She then detailed the whole story, saying it was on the entertainment center and it fell off (interesting, why did it fall off?), and SS happened to be right there and stuck his foot out to try and stop it but it ended up kind of getting kicked Into the entertainment center and is so broken that even the insides are coming out. Hm... It should be noted that this is an IPhone 8plus (of course SS has the nicest phone in the house), which has a case on it, and a screen protector. She went on to say that SS cried and cried and cried (bullshit, he never cries), and it took her a “few hours” to calm him down cause he was just so upset, and he said that my SO would be so mad at him he would “probably yell at him and lock him in his room with no dinner”.
Lol lol. As if my SO would punish a skid! Can’t even make this stuff up.
Crazy said she would drop the phone off in our mailbox later, but my SO should “talk to SS and assure him it would be ok”. So my SO immediately calls our phone provider and spends 45 mins on the phone with them trying to get it replaced (this is the first time we’ve had a few hours to ourselves in weeks, so now this is how it’s being spent). He paid the $100 replacement fee no questions asked, and remarked how that “wasn’t that bad”. I said it’s still kind of a lot, but he didn’t like that comment.
Anyway, my SO is sleeping for work and I just got the phone out of the mailbox, and you guys...this phone is annhialated!! The screen protector is so shattered it’s almost powder, as is the actual phone screen. The phone itself is BENT (had a case on, remember?), and split at the bottom so the insides are coming out. It looks like it was run over by a car, or thrown as hard as possible at a wall, which is what I suspect happened. SS has thrown things by her before when he’s gotten mad playing video games (he doesn’t do that here). There is absolutely no way this phone got this wrecked from falling off an entertainment center or being kicked.
My SO is waking up in 10 mins and will see it then. I suspect he will realize he’s been played. There had better be some consequences for this kid! Either he lied to his mom, or she made up the lie to cover for him. Either way, He better not get the new phone for weeks, and he should have to pay the $100. I’m so irritated that my SO just rushed to replace it, because heaven forbid a 12yr Old not have a phone for a few days!
- TrueNorth77's blog
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My SO has seen the phone- he thinks it looks like it was run over by a car. He can’t deny it seems like the story he was fed is a lie (although he did try to deny it when I first told him how bad the phone was, then he actually saw the phone and it was harder to defend the original story). Now, in all of the scenarios he’s come up with about what actually happened, the theme is that SS is innocent here- SS probably dropped it accidentally in the driveway and Crazy backed over it. SS maybe kicked it into the wall really hard on accident! There was no conviction in his voice when he said that, because no. He said, SS loves that phone, he would never do anything to it, so whatever happened was an accident. And “either way, it still needed to be replaced”. But, my SO will “definitely ask SS what really happened, and it will be interesting to hear what he says”. *eye roll*
I don’t know that SS threw it for sure, but it is a possibility. SD is the one who tells me about him throwing stuff at Crazy’s, but she doesn’t tell my SO. So he’s only heard it from me. I know he doesn’t want to believe it since he doesn’t do it here.
Whatever, I just told myself not my monkeys, not my circus. No matter what happened, I just think that perhaps a week or so without a phone would reiterate the need to take care of it.
My guess is the skid jumped
My guess is the skid jumped hard on the phone (perhaps without realizing phone was there) multiple times in a fit of rage over his silly video game.
I think my response to BM's OFW message would be 'hey, lady, I'm not that stupid'.
The kid wouldn't get the new replacement. I'm sure you or Dh need a iphone8, right? The skid would get a replacement, but it would be a flip top call/text that he would be stuck with for one year. Sure the kids at school will snicker and point and laugh at his dinosaur looking phone, but it will serve it's purpose of his need to be able to communicate.
If his mother wants to provide a nicer phone , she can.
I don't like someone trying to play me as the fool and I don't reward them for careless and/or purposely destructive behavior.
SS can take my IPhone 6 and I
SS can take my IPhone 6 and I will happily take the new 8plus! And Crazy won’t even pay the $5 field trip cost for SD, much less any money towards a phone that she wants SS to have so she can obsessively text him.
The worst part is just what you said- maybe It will turn out that SS isn’t playing my SO, but Crazy certainly is. She is totally manipulating the situation- SS is just sooo upset, so my SO should buy him a new phone and reach out to talk to him and make him feel better...she wants my SO to handle this how SHE wants, but also thinks she can get away with the ridiculous statement that SS said my SO will yell at him and lock him in his room with no dinner. SS never said that, she just threw it in as a dig, hoping that if the courts ever read the messages on OFW they will see how “terrible” my SO is. Because if you write it on OFW, it must be true.
Oh you know
that SS will want none of your Iphone6 as he will demand the brand new iphone after stomping the shit out of his current phone due to a fit of rage.
Seems SD20 was breaking her phone every two months according to social media. Sooooo if he gets mad behind the wheel and rams someone, it will be an "accident" too (eye roll) these guilty daddddeeees are something else.
Has SS said anything to SO
Has SS said anything to SO about the phone yet, or has all the information come from Crazy? My biggest issue would be the lying, so if SS tells the truth when your SO asks him about it, I'd react completely differently than I would if he repeated the ludicrous and obviously untrue story Crazy gave. I wouldn't think the phone would be in that condition if SS jumped up and down on it or even if he threw it against the wall, and a phone in a case should survive a fall from an entertainment center. The only time I've seen a phone with a bent frame was when my sister slammed one in a car door (it was in a raincoat pocket and the door was slammed shut with part of the the coat still hanging out). Even that didn't break the phone so the innards were hanging out.
If it cost $100 to replace it, I would certainly make SS pay that $100, either from birthday/holiday money or by doing chores to earn it. If he lied the punishment would be much worse and it would be made clear that most of the punishment was for the lying. Phones can be replaced, but trust is hard to recover once lost.
Agreed. So far, all Info has
Agreed. So far, all Info has come from Crazypants, so I agree that we will have to see what SS says. However, I do think he’s going to try and lie. He has before, and the very few times he’s been punished (like twice in 3 years), was because he sat and lied to my SO’s face repeatedly. He has lied more than that, but those times he wasn’t punished (you know, because some lies aren’t as bad as others.....). While my SO is a wus about punishing, he usually knows when SS is lying to him, so I think he’ll get the real story out one way or another.
I am 99.9% sure that whatever the real story is, my SO won’t make SS pay the $100 (SS actually has the money already). Even if he threw the phone, the worst he’ll get is maybe a week without it.
The other scenario is....
ss is superman in disguise with superman powers who can kick or throw the iphone 8 plus so hard its broken to pieces. Giving him the sarcastic benefit of the doubt here. I have to be sarcastic when dealing with skids bullshit because things are often ridiculous at times...
Lol. Maybe SS has secret
Lol. Maybe SS has secret muscles from lifting his video game controller?
Ugh. So SS and BM have
Ugh. So SS and BM have concocted a BS story together and your SO is going to pretend to believe it?
All he has to do is let SS know he doesn't believe his story, and as a result, he won't be getting an expensive phone again, since he obviously can't handle it. Why does a kid that young need a phone like that anyway? Get him a cheaper smartphone. If BM wants him to have a better one, she can kick in the difference.
The worst part is, though, that he's making SS and BM think they pulled one over on him. That's not good.
I'd be annoyed by your SO sticking his head in the sand, BUT, really, it's his call unless it involves your money.
He totally doesn’t need this
He totally doesn’t need this phone! He got it for Christmas last year, he has the nicest phone out of anyone we know.
Today my SO is pretty convinced the story he got was BS at least. He said he is very interested to hear what actually happened, and said he assumes SS will try to stick to his original story once, but when my SO asks again he thinks he’ll cave. He said if nothing else, SD will sing like a canary (this girl can’t lie) to him, or tell me what really happened later.
It’s so hard to have different “parenting” styles, and really having no say on how he handles it! But it’s not my $, not my kids, so I am determined to stay quiet.