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Well, DH was right

step off already's picture

And I don't say tht often Smile

When we decided to have a baby together, he was insistent that the baby would bring everyone together and that Ss13 would love having a half-sibling.

I knew that my kids would have no issues and would all be happy about the baby. DS9 loves being a big brother, ds10 (who is on the autism spectrum but I assume he'll be rediagnosed with Asperger's) isn't too into the baby at all but I catch him talking to her every now and then and dd12 is ecstatic to finally have a sister.

I couldn't wrap my head around SS - who told us the baby wouldn't be his blood and he wasn't going to love "it" - actually liking the baby. But he does. He constantly asks to hike her, tries to help with her and always says how cute she is.

We are still early with baby girl only being 3 weeks old now and BM not knowing tht she's arrived yet, but as much as I hate to admit it... DH was right.


QueenBeau's picture

Wow I can't believe SS hasn't told BM about the baby just out of his excitment. Lucky you.

Glad everything is working out though. Basically all kids love babies, whether they want to or not.

step off already's picture

You've the nail on the he's here. When BM saw me in court and realized I was pregnant, on her next visit she told SS that DH would love the baby more and wouldn't have time for him. WHen we picked him up that sUndat night all hell broke loose.

The day we brought baby home from the hospital, SS was already in love but was headed off to a two week visit with BM. DH told SS that if he mentioned it to his mom, she'd probably say things to make SS feel bad / sad. SS told DH "you're right dad".

So I think he's getting to understand his mom more and chose not to tell her. I'm sure she'll ask at some point. I've asked his counselo to help him with ways to tell his mom te truth but combat her mean remarks.

NevermoreLenore's picture

My stepchildrens mother told her daughter to shake the baby real hard when my son was born.

Actually she told her that mommy and daddy can never be a family together because of Lenores baby. And that shaking babies kill them.

Yes, ex wife is that evil.

misSTEP's picture

Wow...just wow. Our BM was vindictive but she never stooped to the level of trying to make the skids murderers.

NevermoreLenore's picture

Oh its better. I had to use DUCT TAPE on where his car seat buckled into the car. My Stepdaughter would reach over and knuckles him while I was driving. I watched her do it in a mirror thing in my
car. I can't even make crazy shit like this up.

The weird part is that she really was the best little girl. Except for when she was trying to kill the baby.

ConfusedStep's picture

:jawdrop: OMG, there is no way in hell she would be allowed anywhere NEAR my baby. When DS was a baby DH's daughter would stare at him in the weirdest way - to the point where MIL said to her one day "why are you looking at the baby like that?". I watched her like a hawk.

NevermoreLenore's picture

She was five at the time. I watched her very diligently back then. I don't think she had a real concept of death then. It was a very hard time and her mothers manipulations made things worse. Today they are very close

step off already's picture

That's an evil BM for the record book!

Sorry that she did that. I know the thought of anyone harming my baby makes me go crazy so I can't imagine how you dealt with that.

sandy1234's picture

Yeah you both go ahead and start saying/doing things so SS will have a mental list to counteract her bull crap when she *does* find out.