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Step Up's Blog

...most hated phrase: "I know!".

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The conversations have literally been on repeat over the last 6 years, and THIS phrase will always be the one that gets so far under my skin, that DH has to tell me to 'relax'.

They range anywhere from:

SD15: when are you taking me to practice driving?
DH: when you have your permit.
SD15: but I have my permit.
DH: no you don't, you have a temporary card and you can't officially have your real permit until you're 16. You can't drive until then.
SD15: I know.

...the only thing I agree on regarding BM

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Although I will never agree with BM's tactics and drama, I can see why she blew up last night with SD15.

All of us as parents and step-parents have those moments where we feel absolutely unappreciated and taken for granted. You ask children, no matter the age, to respect their property, yours, the house, help now and then, etc. By the 7th, 8th, 9th, bazillionth time that you have to ask for help, you're inches short of a breakdown. You want to throw your hands up in frustration and run away from it all.

...small, but fleeting moment, doubtful it will last or sink in. ;)

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Things, in my head, have been unresolved since our last instance with the SD15 - her partying, and then bringing people over to our house while we were gone. Her BM placed her on restriction, taking away her phone at times, limiting her activity to doing nothing (yet taking her to the mall shopping and still leaving her alone at times). DH, in my opinion, hasn't done jack sh*t to really address the issue.

"...but she's allergic to smoke" (and other delusions)

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I make comment to DH that family members have seen a posted picture of SD15 on Facebook at a party, in front of a beer pong table. Mind you, I don't go into detail of the things I have learned by snooping, which include that she has been going to parties, drinking, smoking weed, having sex, etc., all the while thinking she's cool because she's a party girl.

Go to drop her off at ANOTHER party on Friday night, he JOKES with her "hey, I know what kids do at some parties, be smart enough not to take pictures with cups in front of you."

...attention and money seeking

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...I have previously posted under a different user name. I had to change because the username is well too close to my own personal accounts, and my blog posts popped up in Google search. Since I use this as a diary and venting post, I will admit that I'd rather not anyone in our family find these posts.

I have blogged in the last few days regarding my SD15, and her thinking (for the 3rd time) that she's pregnant - or using a story of being pregnant to gain attention from a boy.

Today I think she's further out of her mind.
