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SteelRose's Blog

which is easier - full time skids, 50/50 skids or eowe skids?

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I am wondering this b/c ss16 is full time and sometimes I envy those who just have skids eowe or 50/50, but then at times I wonder if the transitions would be harder then just living in my home full time?

I'd like to know mostly b/c there are times when I wish BM was more involved and other times I read your stories on here and think that without bm it's gotta be easier.

This is hard to disengage from

SteelRose's picture

Over the summer I have disengaged from ss16 more then I have done in the past. SO now basically all I do is cook dinner for everyone which if he likes it he will eat, otherwise he makes his all-time back up of top ramen. I never clean for him, do his laundry or anything anymore, he is 16 and should have gotten a job this summer and his license also. DH promised he would assist ss to get the job and license and has not followed through and now expects that it will happen yet this fall that ss will at least get his license.

Be more selfish and take care of me more? lol

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Went to an OBGYN the other day to talk about my issues I'm having going through menopause and my "irrationalities" (according to DH) during my PMS days, etc, went wanting to hopefully get on to a HRT to help with smoothing these moods out a bit so I can survive this marriage and not divorce again. Gyn told me to take vits and see a counselor.

teens that stay up all night?

SteelRose's picture

Do any of you have teens that stay up all night and go to bed just as your alarm goes off at 5am? That has been the on and off again pattern of these two boys here this summer. Last 3 summers but previous houses we've lived in were a lot bigger and more sound proof and the kids further away from the master bedroom. Last night I heard doors all night and kept smelling things cooking and once burning (popcorn). *sigh*

Hi ladies, I'm back,! :P

SteelRose's picture

I was once another metal but I am now just the mother of all metal - steel! haha.

I am the lady with the big mammoth dog, ss16 and all those other bitchy "sterling" issues. Wink

My account was compromised by my xh as well my email and other accounts, so I had to go through my whole system and change email, usernames, passwords on bank accounts, etc. Just terrible.
