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Advice on leaving.

Spiralingstepdad's picture

I think things are at a point where there's not anywhere else to go. I'm seeking legal counsel and I've started gathering documents and making lists of assets. I just want a no-fault uncontested exit. I'm being called an abuser (not formally because there's no proof, just text messages she screen shot, but I have all of the same ones with her messages for context) while I'm torn down every day doing all of the housework and doing for kids and being told I didn't do it right or enough. Now SD13 has decided to jump on and say we are both abusive and she wants to live with her BD. My response is go ahead, because the amount of disrespect being directed toward me is insane. But my wife told me that isn't my decision to make. I'm a bit worried she's going to make a false claim against me and have me removed from the house (that I owned before we were married). I'm not sure how to protect myself from that, I don't want to fight anymore, I literally just want 50/50 custody of my daughter and to be rid of all the chaos and craziness I've endured for 9 years. She can have anything she wants as far as I'm concerned, even the house if she can find a lender that will loan her the money to buy me out. I just need advice on how to beat protect myself and get this done as painless as possible. 


CLove's picture

You can talk to your lawyer about documentation that would be acceptable. Security systems and nanny cams might help protect you.

DONT GIVE UP YOUR HOUSE!!!! And dont abandon it either.

Get your ducks in a row legally. Start with that. A good solid legal stance is the best protection. Document everything you can. Stay focused emotionally. Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. So that you can stand strong and not get totally screwed over just because you "want it to be over quickly".

Stand strong!

Winterglow's picture

Do NOT leave your house! You had it before you married, she can't touch it. Maybe look into how you can have her evicted? 

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Whatever she wants to just escape and leave. You want me advice ? No sir. Don't just walk out with just 50/50 and nothing else just to escape her. Escape her yes but there are consequences for how they have treated you tbhese past nine years and those consequences are they lose YOUR house. Your child is going to want some normalcy and security after the split and you should provide that in the family home that was yours. Take what is owed to you. Take everything that is owed to you. Not just the house. Half of the savings and the assets. Half of her retirement for 9 years. They think you are a d&$K? Well then be a d£*k. You see they know they are the a$$holes here and they are counting on still just taking and taking and taking from you . No way . Don't let them 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Don't give your money away. Instead, spend it on the very best divorce attorney you can find. You've already given plenty.

Get ruthless, and fight for what's yours so you can give it to your child instead of your succubus soon-to-be ex.

ndc's picture

Don't leave your house.  I would start wearing a voice activated recorder (that none of them know about) to use to defend yourself if they make false DV claims.  And put up cameras in the house.  Then follow your lawyers advice and make sure the lawyer knows false claims are expected. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I agree with the above. The best advice my lawyer ever gave me was to not concede to anything. After going through everything with exH. I am glad I took his advice.