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Spiralingstepdad's Blog

Advice on leaving.

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I think things are at a point where there's not anywhere else to go. I'm seeking legal counsel and I've started gathering documents and making lists of assets. I just want a no-fault uncontested exit. I'm being called an abuser (not formally because there's no proof, just text messages she screen shot, but I have all of the same ones with her messages for context) while I'm torn down every day doing all of the housework and doing for kids and being told I didn't do it right or enough. Now SD13 has decided to jump on and say we are both abusive and she wants to live with her BD.

What a mess.

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Any advice on what to do when SD12 yells that she wants to go to live with her sperm donor? He's currently 8 years behind on his $300/month child support so he owes nearly $30,000, DW won't pursue support because she's afraid that he will sue for custody (probably will). But she's getting more and more disrespectful to myself and DW. Sperm donor has apparently told SD12 that she's still a child and shouldn't be given responsibility. She used to be quite responsible but now thinks she's not supposed to do anything but wash her own clothes, which she usually leaves to sour in the washer.

Marriage is falling apart.

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I don’t usually go in search of help or support, but I don’t know what else to do at this point. 

I’m stepdad to a 17 year old and 11 year old. Been marrie: since 2016, but together since 2012. The girls have 2 different dads, oldest has little contact (just found out about social media contact) and the younger has standard visitation. Neither dad pays support, court system is a joke in enforcement. I’ve been the only income for 2 years, wife recently graduated and is preparing to enter workforce, but I just caught our oldest daughter in a mess of lies.