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Shopaholic's Blog

Quotes for today

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As we all know it is very hard being a SM and sometimes we get so caught up in it all we forget about ourself and our relationships, so here are two quotes from two old friends that I thought I would share with you:

"You need to be happy first, before you can make others happy"

"Relationships should compliment your life, not complicate it!"


"May the force be with you!"

Smile Ha! Ha!

Stop this rollercoaster I want to get off!

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So here is my rant:

*BM calls husband constantly for stupid s*&t all the time, seriously constantly, last week it was about SS not wearing the shoes she wanted him to wear, come on now SS is in the 5th grade, he can dress himself if he wants to wear certain shoes let him.

*SS comes home from BM's, DH finds out he did not go to school friday because BM had to work, so she left him at home all by himself. WTF?

Gold diggers and Welfare Queens

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I am so sick of Gold diggers and welfare queens and women who have babies to trap men, and they just seem to keep popping up more and more. Unfortunately SS's BM was all three. She had my SS to trap DH in to staying with her, yeah that did not work, then she got herself another man who's family was wealthy had his baby trying to trap him into staying with her, and when that did not work she claimed she had the kids and went on welfare but in reality she did not have custody of any of them because she is crazy! sound familiar to any of you?

Isn't that some BS

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So BM wants SS to play sports, and yeah that is great but we are not paying for it. Yeah it seems mean but DH and I are not rich people we are middle class with a son of our own. SS lives with us and BM is suppose to pay child support I say suppose to since she hasn't paid in over a year and 1/2, she chooses not to work. Over the summer she signed SS up for 2 summer camps but then did not send him and did not bother to call the summer camp place and now she is sticking us with the bill because DH is the responsible parent, the bill is $600.

Everyone gather around I have a story to tell you

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Ok, so this is not a story but a REAL LIFE situation and Oh, how I WISH this was make believe! Here it goes:

Yesterday my family sits down for dinner, I noticed earlier that SS had a form to sign up for band on the counter for us to see and he either needs to rent or purchase his instruament. DH and I came to the conclusion if he wanted to sign up for band that it was fine but he needs to talk to BM about the instruament because we will not provide that for him. He looked a little sad and said ok.

when kids look like bios or act like bios

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the reason why i decided to write this blog was mainly in response to sweetness's blog "ever want to ask DH what were you thinking", but I felt that it is a big enough issue it could use it's own blog. My SS looks like BM, the exact same face and habits/mannerisms. BM sends pictures of her and her dysfunctional family (meaning she has many kids with many men) home with SS every once in a while, this is how I know they look alike.

Monday is my drinking day anyone want to join me?

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I hate mondays not because it is the first work day of the week, but because SS comes back from visitation with BM. Most people drink on Fridays and on the weekend, I usually make myself a drink or have a glass of wine about 7pm every Monday, because that is when SS decides to tell us about his weekend at BM's.

Back to school, CS, Clothing.........enough is enough!

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Oh where to do I begin....

First let me tell you I love back to school (j/k) because this is usually when BM starts acting like a freak, with attending all school functions the first part of the year trying to make it look like she is such a loving and concerned parent, key phrase "look like" because as most of you know as the year goes on the Bio parents care less and less.

If you knew.....REVISION

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Yesterday I posted "if you knew...", I guess I left out this tiny bit of info that makes a big difference! The post went something like this:
If you knew that BM/BF was physically abusing another child, would you continue to let your stepchild visit with BM/BF? advice and comments please.

Well the part I failed to also give was: if you that CPS was already contacted about the abuse, and CPS never let BM/BF know, and the incident was still under investigation, and this knowledge was brought to your attention, what would you do?
