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Monday is my drinking day anyone want to join me?

Shopaholic's picture

I hate mondays not because it is the first work day of the week, but because SS comes back from visitation with BM. Most people drink on Fridays and on the weekend, I usually make myself a drink or have a glass of wine about 7pm every Monday, because that is when SS decides to tell us about his weekend at BM's. Now I know this Monday will be especially awful because BM said that we could have SS this weekend, so we made special plans around that and then she decided to pick SS up at school anyways on friday, and calls DH to tell him she changed her mind, no reason given she just decided she was not going to cooperate, DH was PO'd and said that was it for trying to be nice and being flexible with visitation from now on they just stick to the visitation schedule. Getting along usually works best for all because things come up people have special events that the kids need to attend, but if she can not be reasonable I guess we will just have to stick to the visitation schedule. Another problem that we are having is that SS keeps sneaking stuff out of this house over to BM's another topic to be discussed on this dreaded monday, maybe I will need 2 drinks wish me luck.


JUST ME IN NJ's picture

I'm in. I was just thinking BM has not even contacted step kids since they started school last week to see how they are doing. This just led to other crazy thoughts that will be best washed away with a drink... or 10! ha-ha!!!!

What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger!

Imustbcrazy's picture

After the Saturday night I had... I can't even think about drinking. My best friend is moving 2000 miles away with her JERK boyfriend... I will post about THAT tomorrow, need some input there. She leaves Friday morning and I can't stand the thought. She lives across the street and just seeing the For Sale sign out front 1. MAKES me SAD and 2. IT MAKES ME MAD.... So, I sat and had drinks with her and cried Saturday night. Still don't feel right.

Daddys Gurl

It's Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than To Have Spent The Rest Of My Life With THAT PSYCHO!!!!

WontGetTheBestOfThisSM's picture

I already texted DH and told him to have a glass of wine ready for me when I get home ( he got the kids at school today ) I had a lovely argument with SS at the early hour of 6:30 am today, its been with me all day and I havent been able to shake it yet. Hey, its 5 o'clock somewhere!