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Vent - DH nut the eff up and tell Uberskank to eff off already!

Shaman29's picture

For the love of dog DH.....if you are going to take her calls, then lay it out for her!!

At 13 Uberskank said she's nearly 14 and that's practically an adult. And she can make adult decisions now.

At 17, STB18, Uberskank has decided she is a kid and needs an iron hand ruling her.

Which fricking one is it already?

DH do me a fricking favor, plug your nose, close your mouth and blow out your fricking testicles so you remember you're a fricking man and NUT THE HELL UP.

Tell Uberskank to stop calling you every time she and your kid get into an argument. Tell her it's not your dogdamn problem and to figure it out with your kid. Not. Your. Problem.

She has been treating her like her friend and roommate for years. Uberskank can't stand that your kid has the independence of a job and a car.

Personally, I think he is enjoying the conflict and has waltzed back to being Disney Dad again. I think he's enjoying these calls, because now he's the favorite parent.

I want to kick his dumbass right now, because once again I've got Uberskank intruding on my life at least twice a week.

I need a drink.


BSgoinon's picture

>>DH do me a fricking favor, plug your nose, close your mouth and blow our your fricking testicles so you remember you're a fricking man and NUT THE HELL UP.

I just spewed water all over my keyboard. Now THAT'S funny!

Shaman29's picture

Sorry about your keyboard. Wink

I had to edit my post, your comment showed me the typo of our instead of out.

whatwasithinkin's picture

SD14 is home and I noticed DH light up like a Christmas Tree when she was telling us how miserable living with her mother was.

SD17 used the same trick and I we fell for it.well technically BM beat the shit out of her and we fell for it...however now I understand WHY BM beat the shit out of her (she was a teenager same size and weight as BM) ..I was quick to tell DH to lose those starry eyes I will never take another child of his into my house because he is ballless and doesnt stand by me and PARENT.

Told SD14 she had her chance when we left with SD17 3 years ago to come, she missed the boat. To save the sob story, it wont ever work...

Shaman29's picture

I'm not worried about her living with us. She lives 1.5 hours away and doesn't want to change HS her last year (she's a senior this coming year).