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BM is trying to pull a guilt trip

second string's picture

Here's the situation. My DH has an 8 year old son with a woman whom he dated for three weeks. (I know...DH was an idiot to have unprotected sex) The BM has 4 other children (23-in jail,9,6 and 5) with all different fathers. My Dh is the only dad that is in the picture. We have SS every weekend and at least 4 full weeks during the year, drives him and his siblings to school every day plus pays a rediculous amount in child support. None of the other fathers even acknowledge their kids let alone pay CS. BM hasn't worked in 7 years and supports her family solely on what DH pays and Welfare. We are not rich but we both work full time and manage our money very well. We take two family vacations every year and do a lot of weekend trips. The problem we are having now is that since her other kids are getting older, they are seeing what SS has and gets to do and they don't. We are preparing to go on a vacation this month and her other kids are jealous. They are now begging DH every day to take them with us. SS is now feeling bad that his siblings can't go and says that he doesn't want to go. Really? What 8 yo doesn't want to go to Disney? BM has now asked me the same thing, stating that it isn't fair that SS gets to do "cool" things and the others don't. What I want to know is why is this MY concern? I didn't choose to pop one out right after the other when I couldn't afford it. Why am I being made to feel guilty that she can't even afford to take the kids to McDonalds?


oldone's picture

No it is no more your concern than if a nieghbor, schoolmate, cousin etc. had a child that didn't get to do what your child does.

What you do in YOUR home on YOUR time is not the business of any other family.

You know if you had annoying kids in a carpool begging to go on your vacation you wouldn't think twice about it. That's all they are to you - some carpool kids. Tell BM and your DH to tell them to shut up if they want to keep getting rides.

When I was growing up a couple of my cousins and one neighbor had a lot of stuff that I didn't have. And got to do stuff I could never have done. My mother would have killed me if I'd gone begging to their parents.