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second string's Blog

Not sure I can keep my mouth shut any longer

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So I'm sitting here listening to SS8 talk about BM. He thinks the absolute world of her and I understand this completely...she IS his mom. However, what he doesn't know is that she is a f'ing loser that lives off the government, popping one baby out after another with all different men. I bite my tongue every weekend, and to date, I have never uttered a single bad thing about his mother in his presence. The problem I am having now is keeping my mouth shut about the rest of her family.

Bio Mom AKA Baby Mill

second string's picture

Well BM supposedly went into labor last night. This makes number 6 with father #6 and the father is in jail . I hate that DH's CS will now be used to take care of this new one and SS8 will have even less than he does now. I hate that she lives off the system and has no desire to change anything. I hate that her oldest son, her brother and now baby daddy#6 are all in jail and that SS is growing up thinking that this is "normal and OK". But most of all, I hate that I am jealous beyond all measure that she is having another baby and I can't even have one.

Tooth fairy needs a GPS

second string's picture

SS8 lost a tooth earlier in the week and BM gave it to DH this morning. She told SS that the tooth fairy didn't come because they recently moved again (4th time in the last 18 month) and that he probably didn't know where they lived and to take it to dad's house to put under the pillow there. Really? How in the world does she not even have a dollar? Worthless POS.

No problem. I'll cancel my plans for you

second string's picture

At what point do you stop helping. I'm tired of my life being interrupted to do things for SS8. I'm not talking about doing things with and for him when we have him every weekend, I'm talking about all the things I'm expected to do for him when he is in BM's custody. BM doesn't have a car and hasn't had one in 2 years so she's been mooching off of friends for rides everywhere. She has now burned most of her bridges and her "friend pool" is drying up. DH has been picking up the slack when it comes to picking SS up from school and taking him to his baseball games.

No room for me...

second string's picture

I helped SS8 all weekend on a poster for school. It was supposed to be about his favorite things, what he wants to be when he grows up and his family, with boxes to include photos. I printed out a nice picture of SS, DH and I and left room for his mother to give him a picture of their family. When I took him to school this morning I saw the poster on the wall. The picture that BM gave him had her boyfriend in it and my picture had been torn off. I asked SS about it and he told me, "sorry, there was no room for you". I went to the car and cried.

My tax dollars put to good use...NOT

second string's picture

BM hasn't worked a day in over 5 years and lives off the government. Section 8 pays her rent, Medicaid provides free healthcare, food stamps pay for her groceries, boyfriend on disability provides free childcare and DH's child support pays for her fun. WTF!!!!! I'm so sick and tired of DH and I working our butts off to provide all of the above for our family and knowing that she is sitting on hers while my tax dollars enable her. And now yesterday BM tells us that she is pregnant again and due any day.

BM is trying to pull a guilt trip

second string's picture

Here's the situation. My DH has an 8 year old son with a woman whom he dated for three weeks. (I know...DH was an idiot to have unprotected sex) The BM has 4 other children (23-in jail,9,6 and 5) with all different fathers. My Dh is the only dad that is in the picture. We have SS every weekend and at least 4 full weeks during the year, drives him and his siblings to school every day plus pays a rediculous amount in child support. None of the other fathers even acknowledge their kids let alone pay CS. BM hasn't worked in 7 years and supports her family solely on what DH pays and Welfare.