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Just Trying to Do "The Right Thing"

Santiago's picture

Better go and get your armor. -Jordan Sparks

After some intense emails between Mikayla and I, I told her I would open a dialogue with her mom, my EX. Needless to say, it's been hard for me to concentrate on anything all day.

I was able to get Kayla to talk about our current "family situation." I think the thing she had the hardest time dealing with, even at age 19, was that her mom and I were NOT going to get back together. She describes herself: I'm like a child with divorced parents, even though you guys didn't get married. I love you both very much and I want both my parents to be happy. There was a lot for me to think about as she explained her feelings (and I thanked her for sharing them).

I was also happy to hear that she let her mom know that we were exchanging emails. She's happy that we're talking again. This is a sense of relief for me; if anything it means my EX is validating my paternal role in Kayla's life.

I took some time to read up on divorce, children, and how to "best" help a child cope. (I often feel awkward referring to my 19 y/o as a "child," but I've found a lot of things to be helpful. I especially took note of their list of Child's Wants from

"Please stop fighting and work hard to get along with each other. Try to agree on matters related to me. When you fight about me, I think that I did something wrong and I feel guilty."

Put together with another part of her email, a part where she suggests that maybe her mom and I should just try to talk and "see how things go," I think I'm going to send an email to her BM. The BM is already sending small messages via Kayla: Mom says hi and I'm not sure that's beneficial. I'm wondering if there is any dialogue, it should be between my EX and me...not with Kayla as the intermediary.

So for the past day, I've been trying to think of what to say without starting World War 3. A friend told me: "Anything that is rooted in love and faith will bear fruit," so I'm trying to keep Kayla's well-being at the forefront. But there are a lot of underlying feelings and emotions that could come out. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Perhaps tomorrow I'll go through WHY my attempt to make peace with my EX puts me at unease.

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DISbelief's picture

Good for you Santiago. And yes, 19 is a tough age. A very very young adult, but a child still in so many ways.

Just remember, there is a difference in having a working CO PARENTING relationship with your childs other parent, and GETTING BACK TOGETHER. Even at 19, your daughter sounds like that may be what she is ultimately pushing for. Try not to let her get her heart set on that, just to be disappointed. Sometimes that can hurt worse than the original split.

Good for you for taking an active role in your daughters feelings, and for putting aside your own issues, for her sake, with her mom. You two don't have to be BEST FRIENDS. But even with grown kids, it helps if you can be on amicable terms. Trust me, coming from some one who's parents HATE each other. It is still hard, and I am 31 years old!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

Santiago's picture

Thanks for the support. I just wish I knew what to say to be able to open a line of communication and keep it about our daughter without letting it get clouded by all the crap from our past.

Blog: In My Daughter's Eyes

DISbelief's picture

Just be honest with her. Tell her that this has been hard on your daughter and you want to do whatever you can to make it easier. Tell her that it isn't about the crap from the past, but about the future of your child, who loves both of her parents very much. And needs both of you in her life. A little honesty never hurt anyone. (cept maybe Tiger Wink )


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

TheWife's picture




"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

DISbelief's picture

I couldn't resist... last I checked he is 2nd in the Masters so far... he may be a cheater... but that man can PLAY SOME GOLF.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink