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i want to scream!!!!

rozylady2's picture

this week has sucked! my house is constantly a wreak. it smells. got old senile dog who barks at everything. a nephew who hit my youngest and lied about it. going around saying guess who farted then the room stinks to high heaven. this kid is seven. wouldn't even touch my cooking just wanted junk food.noise constantly with kids running around. MIL ignoring the step grand kids, over stepping her boundaries causing me to reschedule an appt so thus have to wait a whole month!His daddy sits around all day working ignoring his kid leaving that to my step daughter,who is sleeping on the couch so he would have her room. then in the evening he isnt working he sits on his butt ignoring his kid still. ticks me off even more for he never asked if we could help watch his kid during his summer time. just announced the night before he was coming to visit for the week then dumps the responsibility of his kid on us when he arrived. a ss who refuses to take care of his teeth had eleven fillings done two weeks ago and found today he needs three more!!!My h working the whole damn time so that left sd to watch him and me to clean up after everyone!!!!!!!!i want to run screaming from the whole damn clan!