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rozylady2's picture

my brother in law and his son showed up this week. now he gave little here i am cleaning house up and so on so everyone is comfortable.then had to deal with MIL crap.its been a few days and now all it seems is we watching his kid while he works. fine ok but noone asked me!
MIL is taking my grand kids to the mall(she meant blood kids) so my two got left home.they went shopping for his bday since she missed it. thats fine but sd got something. im sure ss got something did my two get anything hell no. the she had the nerve to sit on my couch and watch her little gson play with his new toys while my youngest played with him.
earlier in the week it was mentioned what was going on this week. we told her we had two appts this week. guess what happened today! find out they all going to the movies leaving me with no choice to cancel my appt with the dentist needed fillings done and its not easy scheduling everything. the very next day the teen skids have their you can bet your ass im tasking them!
H tells me my bro in law noticed the alienation of her and my kids but does H do anything when he was told they were getting ready to go to the movies today? Nope.does he call mil to tell her i need someone to watch my boys so i can go to my appt? nope. he didnt bother to say a damn thing and let them all go to the movies!!!

I`m tired of rearranging my life,tired of MIL calling the shots in my home and tired of my H being so damn weak that he wont stand up for me!


rozylady2's picture

they are not like that. changes dont freak them out and love to be out and about .they also know her so she isnt a stranger to them besides one of the skids could go with too! she never wants to even try! i think she taken the youngest once and was going on and on about well behaved he was but never taken him again since. she done this behavior with the other grand kids in the family who are not blood.she didnt even bother to buy them something till i threw a fit about how she was ignoring them with the exception of bdays and Christmas.