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The feeling of defeat

rosie33's picture

First off, if you are taking the time to read this, thank you. I basically just do this to keep my sanity :?

I checked the mail this morning and low and behold we have a thick envelope from our domestic relations court. Once again, the ex-wife wants to modify child support. She started receiving $700/mo for the two boys with 50/50 custody back in October. We had it modified in February because we found out she was working full time v. the part time she claimed with the initial hearing. It went down maybe $25/mo. Wasn't much.

So a couple of weeks ago, maybe about a month, he started working in a new dept at his job. He now goes in at 4 am instead of 7am like he used to. His new schedule works out better for us and this dept is better then his last in so many ways. He had told his ex-wife that on the week he is responsible for transportation, I would be dropping off the youngest one at her moms (where she lives) to get the bus and taking the oldest to school every day. This way I can make sure my own boys are up and getting ready. This amounts to 4 times a month (during school). She didn't like this because for one, she is petty and hates me transporting the boys for some stupid childish reason and two she thinks the custody agreement says they have to ride the bus-it doesn't. It says that they have to get the bus at her moms, thats it. She didn't want them changing buses when we had them catching a different bus on his weeks. She said we are to abide by the custody agreement and if not we need to take her to court. Well, we aren't doing that. We did what we told her we were going to do. If SHE feels like we violated the CO then she can take US to court. We did this whole transportation thing last week. She didn't say a word. Not one evil bashing text - very unlike her. She hates not being in control. However, now i know why. Her way of punishing us is to file for more child support. The papers say her income has decreased. Here's my question - she is pregnant to her unemployed bf of 6 mo (awesome, i know) I highly doubt she got a decrease in pay seeing she only makes $9.50/hr. I think she is working less bc she is pregnant yet she's only 3 months. Is it possible for the support order to go up because she is pregnant to someone? What if she has a Dr note saying she can only work so much? Would that increase support? She voluntarily got pregnant so to me it was her decision and my fiance shouldn't have to pay more because shes an idiot. Although, our lives seem to get royally f'ked every time she does something whether it makes sense or not. She even gets welfare and food stamps living at home with her parents and her neice and her kid who is 24 and works full time.

This is where the defeat comes in. It's just how I feel anymore when it comes to her. I used to hold my breath and constantly tell myself one day shit won't go her way, one day she'll be put in her place, one day we will come out on top….has yet to happen….4 years into this. She always manages to screw us every chance she gets. Blows my mind and it becomes overwhelming. In the long run, yes, karma got her because she has become the very essence of what she hated. She had a career and a marriage and a family - she had it all - now she lives with her parents and her neice, doesn't even have her own car, gets gov't assistance from anywhere that she can, makes $9.5/hr when she was making $30something/hr. and is prego with her 3rd child with a guy who is unemployed and bounces off his friends couches to have a place to stay. (She used to always talk crap about me bc my two boys have diff dads so her being prego makes me giggle) Athough, she is running around telling everyone that I am super jealous that she is prego and we can't have kids because he is snipped. I laugh at that too, if she only knew when he told me he couldn't have kids I probably would've married him right then and there. I'm 33 with teenagers, one is a foot out the door to college in two years, you think I want to start over now?! psh. not me, never. Our youngest between all four is 10 years old. I'm good!!

So yes, in the BIG picture I can smile because we are truly, genuinely, happy and no amount of bitterness from her can ruin that, its just in the moment of these situations I lowere my head and just ask when will it ever stop!?!?!


Totalybogus's picture

It won't stop until the last kid graduates high school and is 18. The only way to get yourself through this is to insolute yourself. Don't take on the burden. I know its easier said than done, but eventually, you'll get to that state of mind. Let your husband deal with his ex-wife.

Some women are so bitter that they will use their own children as pawns to keep inflicting pain on their x's and that includes the pain in the wallet. It is the only source of control they think they have.

No matter how hard it is, don't ever let her know that she gets to you. being happy and living good really is the best revenge.

rosie33's picture

Thank you and at the end of the day you are absolutely right. I went home on lunch and spoke with him and we both are at the point of just "so be it, it is what it is". He'll go in there and state his side and she will hers and whatever comes out of it, o well. We will be okay and we will still be happy. I almost feel sorry for her….almost. There is no point of going through all the what'if's or speculations. Every time we think we have a chance of things going our way it completely goes in the other direction so we will wait and see.

rosie33's picture

This blows my mind too because she was an RN making loads of $ and it was her fault she got fired. They should hold her at her wages when she was an RN because like you said, if it was the other way around, they wold hold the "payor" at that wage too! ugh. Stupid, stupid system.