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OT - Any great Bed&Breakfast Near Flint Michigian

Roseybird's picture

Hi everyone! I just wanted to see if anyone knew of any great places to stay near Flint Michigan in June. I am graduating with my MBA (YAAAYYY MEEE) and I have about 10 family members that are attending. Would like to keep us all together and don't really want to stay in hotels.


Rags's picture


Congratulations on finishing your MBA. I remember well how excited and relieved I was when I finally finished mine 4.5yrs after I started.

I am not familiar with the Flit MI area but this link may help. There appears to be ~35 listings for B&Bs in the Flint area.

Make sure you get our DH a huge gift for putting up with you during your Grad School insanity. The spouse is the unsung hero of any degree that is finished while married.

My wife and I traded school insanity. I finished my undergrad 5 months before we married. She finished her undergrad 5yrs after we married, I finished my MBA a year later then she finished hers 3yrs after I did and her CPA a few months after that.

We are thinking about going for either a PhD. or a JD together but I don't know if our marriage would survive a joint doctorate effort. Biggrin

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Originally from Michigan, too. I was also going to suggest the Birch Run/Frankenmuth area. Chesaning is also nice at that time of year. Not too sure about the bed and breakfasts, but the hotels/motels in that area have a lot to offer.

Roseybird's picture

Thanks everyone! I went to Baker College. The graduation is in Flint Michigan, however, I don't really want to 'stay' in Flint. I was thinking more like Ann Arbor. I have been hearing some not so good things about FLint, so I prefer not staying in the area. Looking for either rental homes (similar to a b&b) or a B&B.

Oh, It was really tough working on a degree with a psycho sd13-15, an active BS2-4, being pregnant, and having an 8 month old the last day of class. But I made it. Thank GOD!!!