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Roseybird's Blog

Just Fed UP

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Some people are crazy, stupid, naive, and then there are some people that are just don't get it! Well, it's been about 4 weeks since my SD15 left urine in her room because she was 'pissed off' literally. Anyway, DH found out two weeks after that that I was still pissed off about it during one of our counseling sessions with our Pastor. I expressed that I was still upset because I still haven't gotten an apology about the whole situation. When that was bought to the light, I guess DH told SD15 about it and she sent me a text apologizing. I never even paid it one mind.

Good cop, Bad Cop?

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My DH and I have been going to counseling with our pastor for the past month or so. This Friday, he actually offered some GREAT advice. DH has a tendency to be too easy with SD15 and I feel she gets away with WAAAYYYY too much. Our pastor had us reverse roles and asked me to pretend to be DH when confronting SD15 with an issue, and asked DH to do the same. We did and he suggested that when dealing with SD15, DH plays 'bad cop' and I play 'good cop.' He feels this would help because DH always tends to be the 'captain saver' of everything that she does.

Counseling Advice from our Pastor...

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My DH and I have been going to counseling with our pastor for the past month or so. This Friday, he actually offered some GREAT advice. DH has a tendancy to be too easy with SD15 and I feel she gets away with WAAAYYYY too much. Our pastor had us reverse roles and asked me to pretend to be DH when confronting SD15 with an issue, and asked DH to do the same. We did and he suggested that when dealing with SD15, DH plays 'bad cop' and I play 'good cop.' He feels this would help because DH always tends to be the Captain saver of everything that she does.

What SD15 Really needs to hear!

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SD15 texted DH asking about getting her 'hair done' this weekend when she comes. She really has no sense whatsoever. She doesn't even realize that the urine she left in her room stunk up my whole house. Well, my DH finally talked to SD15 about how nasty it was to do something like that. He told her it was disgusting and she owes everyone an apology. I was like 'Yeah, I'm going to count on that one.' Anyway, I am at a lost of words what to actually say to her when/if she does apologize. Here's what I had in mind:

Anyone has any suggestions on how to not let SKids RUIN your MARRIAGE

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I must say that I am inches away from LEAVING! My DH tells me I give her TOO much power, but I am really SICK of this child. My SD15 is really making me dislike my DH and I think she is ruining my marriage. My DH keeps telling me that I am allowing her to take my power and it won't get any better until I stop giving her that much control. How do you NOT let your skid have sooooo much control over your life?

Military, Boarding, Alternative School

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Has anyone considered and 'alternative or military' school for stepchildren? I would like to suggest this option for my SD15 who in my opinion is OUT OF CONTROL! Wondering if anyone had any information or suggestions for different schools. She hasn't gotten kicked out or anything, but her behavior is leading her down that road. Since she doesn't live with us full time, and her mother acts likes she too scared to discipline her, there are options that we have to take in order to let her know that we are not joking about sending her away.

My SD15 is a LUNATIC!!!

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OMG - I thought it couldn't get any worse. First of all, my SD15 isn't pregnant. She lied about everything!
But wait, that's not the half of it. I made her take a preg test on March 11th. It took me a whole 45 minutes to get her to actually pee because she said she didn't have to. That's when I figured she wasn't preggo. Anyway, I finally got her to pee and the test came out negative. I started screaming at her because I told her she caused so much heart ache and pain over these past few days.

What's the deal with 15 year old STEP BRATS!!

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OMG! I am new to this site. Hi everyone, I'm Rosey. A little background, I have been married to my husband for 6.5 years (been together for more than 10 years). I have a 15 year old Stepdaughter, 3.5 year old son, and a 7 month old son. I am just sick. I am thinking of a divorce because my husband and I just are not seeing eye to eye about raising his daughter. He never married her, heck, they were never in a relationship, just a bootie call issue. She got pregnant, and has been trying to make his live a living hell ever since.