I need advice
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here, and I am really in need of some advice.
A little background-I have a four year old stepson. Until my husband met me, he was only able to see his son when he had $300 to give the mother (each visit). She would also call and threaten him, telling him she was going to have him shot and basically just tried to make his life hell. I had him file court papers for visitation and he won.
Problem-I am a school teacher and I am required to maintain criminal and child abuse clearances that are basically pristine on a yearly basis.
One night, my husband called his son's mother to tell her we would be late. We got stuck in traffic and then his phone died. We were fifteen minutes later than we were supposed to be and when my husband went to the door to drop off his son, the mother said she had called the police and reported that "we" had kidnapped him. My husband told her to call them back and explained why we were late. She said they told her they still had to file a report. I called them and explained what happened and they said they never told her that.
Next-I spent five hours playing with my stepson last weekend, took him out got him and bike and some toys so that he would feel more at home here.
He has been slow to warming up to me even though I am VERY kind, caring and nice to him. He told us before after we inquired as to why he didn't want to talk to me that his mother told him not to. Anyway, we had a great weekend and I felt like he was finally warming up to me. He fell off his bike and scraped his knee and ran to me to take care of him.
The next day we were eating out, and my husband strangely asks him, "so, now what happened to your knee?" My Stepson looks in my face and says, "{My name} was being mean to me and hit me!" I almost chit myself! I asked him, "Why would you say that?" He said, "Because you were mean to me and hit me and I'm telling my mommmy!" I said, "that is not true!"
He kept repeating that I was mean and he was telling his mommy VERY LOUDLY in the restaurant (as everyone's looking at me)I got really upset and maybe I shouldn't have, but I told him, "I'm not scared of your mommy. I am going to tell her you are not telling the truth, and how do you think mommy's going to feel when she finds out you're lying?" He didn't answer. My husband forced him to apologize when we got home and tried to get him to tell him why he said it. He angrily apologized to me, walked out and my husband gave him all the new toys we had bought him. I told my husband later I thought he shouldn't have given them to him
He comes this weekend and keeps asking me if I'll play with him. I said, "Why don't you ask daddy" each time he asked.
I don't even want to be in a 20 mile radius of him I'm so scared of what he might lie about and make up next!!!! I'm sorry to say that, but I have too much to lose. I'm not mad at him. I believe he is just parroting his mother and really has no clue as to the seriousness of what he does. My husband doesn't seem to either, and the mother would only get crazy if I told her and I'd end up with police and child services at my door.
Please. any suggestions or ideas on this. I mean I have seriously considered divorce even though I really love my husband I have worked too hard to lose everything I have because of his son lying. I'm ready to just cut my husband out of my life in order to avoid any problems and keep myself safe. I know I am sounding crazy, because I am just besides myself on what to do. I really need ideas.
Thank you for listening and any support you can offer!
- reallifedrama's blog
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Since I am in the health care
Since I am in the health care field I am also having to maintain a pristine clearance as well. My ex H is the one who keeps trying to ruin me
I ran from him and now my ss15 is becoming an issue. It's so hard. Maybe first you can sit down and have a very open discussion with dh about this. If he doesn't listen then it might be that you will have to chose your job over your dh. Man, if only you'd known this with ss before getting married. YIKES. Luckily no kids yet with dh right?
If you aren't willing to bail
If you aren't willing to bail on your marriage, then you need to take steps to protect yourself which first and foremost means Never be alone with this child. EVER. Always have a witness. BM will ruin your life if she can.
I would also recommend not participating in pick ups or drops off if she's nuts enough to call the police over someone being 15 minutes late.
The kid also needs to be put in therapy and your DH needs to actively work against the PAS. You may be the first target, but the accusations against your husband will start eventually too.
You also need to get your husband on the same page as you - I don't know how you guys stand financially, but if your income is important, maybe that's the best approach to make him understand. Even false allegations could completely ruin your career and if it comes at the hands of his child, when there was warning and DH did nothing to stop it, you will wind up hating him. If it still seems unimportant to him, seriously consider walking away unless you really believe that you will be ok staying with a man oh whom you could be totally financially dependent and seeing the child that ruined the career you worked so hard for on a regular basis.
Is there anyone in your field
Is there anyone in your field of work you can report this to, or even just discuss it with so that it is on record BEFORE there is an incident. Surely your supervisor or someone would be able to take a report and note down your concerns about this child and his mother.
What you are claiming has happened is not unheard of so there is no reason you would not be believed. However, you have been given fair warning that this is probably going to be a problem for you in the future (the child gave you that warning when he said you were mean to him and you hurt his knee), once this happens and it will happen, you of course will be investigated, even if you are cleared, and there are no guarantees about that, innocent people sometimes do get blamed, but as I said if you are cleared, the old saying where's there smoke there's fire is true enough, it will be on your record, and someone somewhere down the track may think twice about employing you.
Yes, I agree this needs to be discussed with your husband, but I think you need to discuss this with your employer first and then discuss it with your husband, that way you have all the facts as to how this could damage you personally and career wise before you speak to him.
She has already called the police once and informed them the child was kidnapped, you know this was not just talk on her part because you yourself spoke with the police.
You have to understand your husband cannot fix this. He has no control over whatever reports she may or may not make to the police, he has no control over what that child is going to say. The older the child gets the more dangerous this will become. Buying him toys may be seen as blackmail to keep his mouth shut. Your only option is to put it out there and make sure that your employer or someone in authority is aware of the situation. You need to protect yourself and your career, because the truth is, your husband, no matter how much he may want to, cannot.
If you and your husband have children together and this SS makes a false report against you, or his mother does, you stand the risk of having your children removed from the home while it is being investigated, as well as losing your career.
I am very sorry your are in this position, however I do think you need to start thinking very clearly with your head here and protecting yourself. As far as her reporting the child kidnapped, can you file charges, or can the police charge her with making a false report. Documenting a history against her would also be a form of protection for you down the track. I think you're going to need it. Even if you just get a copy from the police of that report and their response to you. Still, you need to discuss this with your supervisor and they need to note it on your record. You also need to let them know she has already reported this so called kidnapping. This is serious stuff.
I actually feel like the fact
I actually feel like the fact that my husband wussies down to the BM, does not take action such as when she called the police is what motivates her to continue her behaviors. I do feel as though he has some part in it. His lack of action is what allows her to continue.
She has backed off somewhat when he has acted on things, such as getting CO visitation and a restraining order when she was threatening him (all with my prodding and threats of leaving). She is a rat, though. She tries to find her way in wherever there is a gap and it is almost impossible to cover all areas prior to knowing where they exist. eg.-she now uses and manipulates her son.
My husband gave him the toys because he felt sorry for forcing him to apologize to me.
I actually don't tell too many people about what's going on, because it is really embarrassing and I pretty much know what I need to do. I reached out here because I was getting fuzzy and as someone else said, trying to get approval of my choices-momentary lapse of reasoning.
She is used to dealing with "hood rats", and my husband, to my surprise, seems enamored by the lengths she'll go to get us upset.
It's just a crazy situation that I guess is becoming a reality and shock to me right now. I guess I'm in the first stages of realization and trying to sort out my feelings and options,
Thanks for helping out!
^^^ This... If you do not
^^^ This...
If you do not wish to quit your marriage and your husband.. I think it would be prudent of you to let the relevant authorities know that there may possibly be issues regarding your spouse's child and his ex-wife.
I agree that you need to urgently begin documenting EVERYTHING!! Your spouse should assist with protecting your career by sending relevant and necessary e-mails to the biomother everytime she makes a point regarding possible abuse situations (whether they are verbal or not) your spouse and only your spouse (not you) should respond in writing to biomother informing her that her statement is untrue (unfounded) and advising her exactly what happened when "little johnny" hurt his knee/got a bruise/got punished (BY DADDY) etc etc...
Protect yourself!!! Don't be alone with the child for AS MUCH AS YOU CAN... this is going to be the hard point... BUT it looks like at some point you are going to require witnesses!!!
Good Luck!
I almost told the child
I almost told the child exactly that, "I can't play with you because you choose to lie.". Since he probably doesn't even grasp how serious it is to lie, I just felt like it would do more damage and he would be made to feel (by his parents) that I was "just being mean to him".
I'm just staying away from him now.
I too need clearances for my
I too need clearances for my employment. I made it very clear to DH when BM tried this crap with a neighbor that if the was any hint, i would never spend time alone with SD. & if that wasn't enough he would have to visit elsewhere.
Your DH needs to punish this kid for lying.
You should never be alone with him again.
Warn DH he needs to be prepared to visit elsewhere if this continues.
Of course my husband tried to
Of course my husband tried to make me feel bad when I told him to start staying at his mom's with his son on the weekends. I did start to give in, but after reading and receiving lots of help here, I have decided not to be near the child EVER!
My husband makes excuses as to why he does not discipline his son-everything from I only see him a few days a month, to "It's his mom's fault". Like I told my husband, "When he's being treated poorly in school by teachers because he's a tyrant, and the police arrest him because he's a liar (or whatever else it leads to), do you think they'll accept those reasons?"
I agree with you that the child needs to be disciplined. I told my husband, don't yell or hit him, but instead, use the little time you have to teach him all the good qualities you want him to have that he has not been taught. It is strange to even me how I stayed neutral to the child after he said that lie, but I really, sincerely believe that he is just a victim of insane parenting. I don't mean to criticize my husband or the child's mother, because surely they would do different if they realized they were victimizing their child in all this (that's my take on it, but not an excuse).
I am not even going to be
I am not even going to be around him with someone there anymore.