Toxic SDs in their 40’s and DH is having mild cognitive problems
I have been with my husband for 18 yrs and married 15 yrs. I have two adult daughters that have never caused any problems in my marriage, they love my husband and they are very nice and supportive. They are independent and away living and working in other towns. My husband has three adult daughters, they are in their 40's, they never accepted me as their dad's wife and never will. They absolutely hate me and they have done everything in their power to get me to a point where I will pack my bags and leave their dad. Well, I will not leave, I love their dad, he is the love of my life and I am the love of his life. Our marriage however has suffered tremendously because of his daughters. They are just down right toxic and it has been relentless drama. They have tried everything. Reading many of the posts in this platform, I can honestly say that I can truly relate to most of them. They are married with children and not living in the same town with us. I tried to cut communications and let their dad go visit them but of course that's bad too. I did it to find peace but somehow they find ways to cause drama and upsetness. They want to be rude and hurtful and I am supposed to go around them and welcome them into my home and be the perfect hostess. I tried that before, then I couldn't take the treatment I got and decided to stay away. They hate me for that, too. One SD wants to be able to not only be able to visit her daddy but to have a key to my house and to even be able to visit even when I am not home. I could never do that, I am sorry I know this is also my husband's house but I don't trust her, I know what is like and there no way I feel comfortable to let her be in my home when I am not. Somehow she is fixated on that issue.
Now my husband who is 76 has started having cognitive problems and I am in need of advise. We had already gone to our attorney and did our wills and POAs etc. I still worry though about the future. His daughters know that he is having problems but they are still rude and hurtful and treat both of us like we are stupid and they are the parents and we are the children. Of course I stand up and defend us both and I have to deal with hateful outbursts. They treat their dad with no respect and they are hurtful and manipulative. Another thing they do they blame me for everything.
A few days ago, one SD put her house up for sale and told us she is moving into our town. She is the most agressive and wants to have access to my home. She will invite herself to my house in a heartbeat, she feels this is daddy's house and she has all the rights and truly I don't have a say, they all think that I don't have a say in anything, I am just the maid here. They treated me like a guest in my own house before. I am so stressed and so depressed, she is going to constantly dropping by and going in and out of my home. I am a very quiet and private person and so is my husband, we don't like to have constant company visiting and especially SDs since there has been so much drama and upsetness. My husband assures me that we will not have to do this, he will visit his daughter at her house but right now he is so disappointed that he really doesn't want much to do with them either.Btw the attorney advised me before to not have any contact with SDs, but that is not always easy.We truly don't need any more drama and abuse we want to live a peaceful life, the doctor advised that for both of us.
We hope and pray my husband's health will not get worse. It is very devastating to think about it, and now on top of that to have to deal with toxic SDs and one of them moving in the same town. There is a lot more details I'd like to share and will do so in the future but for now I truly need all the feedback and advice I can get. If things got totally unbearable, do I have to let them in my home? Could they try to take over and be in charge of my husband's care if he got worse and was incapacitated? My husband and I both wish to be together in our home not be separated. I am 59 and perfectly able to care for my husband in the event he got worse.
- Raniabeau's blog
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You do not have to let them in your house.
You do not have to let them in your house. If they show up, you don't even have to answer the door. It might be a good idea to get both an alarm system and cameras put in place now, before she moves to town.
Double check with your lawyer and make sure both your wills and POA's are detailed and up-to-date. Since the cognitive issues could get worse, see if that needs to be directly addressed in some manner. They might try and interfere with your DH's care, but if have the correct paperwork, they will not be able to suceed.
If I were you, I would insist DH see them out of your home, until that becomes impossible. If you feel like they would need to visit your home, do you have a friend or family member who could also be there to run a little interference if necessary?
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. Your DH is lucky to have you.
You need to get comfortable
You need to get comfortable with calling the cops on them for trespassing. You need to get comfortable standing up to them with legal means if necessary. You can't play nice anymore. Get video doorbell to record any attempts to enter house. You can also use the doorbell to communicate without opening the door (and get some good locks on them). It's long overdue to stand up to them but I think it's time. Do they know about their father's cognitive issues? Is the paperwork tied up so they can't change it? Was it writtten in a way that if they challenge they get nothing? As much as you don't need this drama, you will have to stand your ground with them. They won't like it and will act up even more I suspect. I think this is every stepmom nightmare ending. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
Ensure will states you are power of attorney and executor
Of his estate and make sure he details how estate will be split up.
this ways if he deteriorates further and say sd applies to courts to be executor etc, you can show courts a will to challenge it. Even if sd is unaware her dad made a will appointing you etc, you can still show to court her appointment as executor or power of attorney is invalid.
she won't have authority to make medical decisions or disbursement/management of the estate. Things like property is ensure its in both your names like home, bank accts etc as these do not form part of estate.
with horrible greedy self centred alterior motive sd's like this, you need to pre-empt their dodgy behaviour well in advance so you're protected from their bs.
I know what you mean
My DHstb85 is starting to have cognitive issues, too, and I'm dealing with toxic, manipulative, dependent SD60 so I know exactly what you are talking about. Yes, this is the stepmom's nightmare. My SD doesn't know the meaning of boundaries and, like yours, seems to feel this is still her home altho we subsidize her housing elsewhere.
My DD knows the whole situation and insisted we install the Ring cameras outside. This seems to have had a deterrent effect. SD used to try to come here in the middle of the night but since DH told her to stop it and since we have the cameras, that has ceased. We faithfully lock all doors.
Now that DH is slipping mentally a little, I've had to get more frank with her. She is used to "Daaad" handling her problems since she split with hubby #2 12 years ago. He has driven her to countless appointments over the years but his driving is getting iffy. Last month, she was hospitalized for the 3rd time since February (assorted vague symptoms). She called us to get her and bring her car home since she wasn't supposed to drive. DH drove her car and she rode with me. I told her we just couldn't do it anymore. I was doing 3 things I wasn't supposed to with my eye condition: driving on a rainy night on a highway. I told her DH was okay on a familiar route but anything could happen if he were driving to unfamiliar places, like that hospital. She seems to be in denial sometimes. Other times, she's crying over "Daad's" imminent demise..
I'm paying attention to all the responses you get here. Probably like you, I smile to myself when I read about the stepmoms counting the days til their SK reach 18. If only....
Make sure your paperwork is
Make sure your paperwork is legally buttoned up. Get the cameras.. and good locks on your doors. In your case, I would refuse to allow them in the home..and facilitate perhaps with a third party neutral person for visits with your DH and his daughter outside your home.
It's great that you've seen a
It's great that you've seen a lawyer and already have wills and POAs. Those should protect you if DH declines, but have you considered what happens if you die first. A significant percentage of spouse caregivers die before the spouse. You may want to see an elder care lawyer to review your documents and be sure your spouse is protected from his children (financially) if you die first.
This is a stepparent's worst
This is a stepparent's worst nightmare. It's mine too.
My steps aren't rude like yours, but they do assume that they are in charge of their Dad, especially the SD. My DH had a period of mental decline recently (turned out it was mostly a prescription problem and that has resolved) that really scared me. I expected his kids to start their Let's Control Dad dance, but one kid totally ignorned me and the other was in active denial and wanted to know what I was going to do to fix it. Uhm, yeah, sure thing.
DH wants to move near his kids when I retire. To put it bluntly, No Effing Way. Zero. None. When/if we need help with daily activities I'll figure out something then, but in the meantime it's a big fat nope. They can come visit whenever they want to (SS hasn't been to our house in nearly 10 years). I don't think DH can make the trip to see them without me, so we go maybe once a year.
Keep your wills and POAs up to date. I might go so far as to take the documents to a second attorney to make sure there are no loopholes.
My heart truely goes out to
My heart truely goes out to you.
You are not required to open the door for anyone. Much less allow UNWANTED, uninvited family, neighbors OR stangers inside. I would pay for a lock smith to change all of the locks.
And if they push past you,
And if they push past you, call the police IMMEDIATELY. It's called trespassing.
Update: They are sending the police to check on their dad
Today we got a knock on the door, it was the police. Not sure yet which one of my step daughter bullies did this. They are now wasting the time of the local police department. Their dad doesn't want to talk to them, he is so upset with their behavior and he made it extremely clear to them that he doesn't want to talk to them. So now pretending that they are concerned for him, they called the police and sent them to our house. Basically another yet another form of harassment this time using the police. It's a good thing we were home, wondering what if we were out shopping, would they damage doors and windows to come inside to check on him?
I hope you spelled the
I hope you spelled the situation out for the cops so that they will treat any future calls with the lack of urgency they deserve. Also so that they are prepared to go after them for wasting police time.
Reasearch requirements needed
Reasearch requirements needed to get a restraining order on them. When they meet them , get one asap. Would they calm down if told they were out of the will if they kept it up? ( doesn't matter what the will says, it's about their perception about the will)
Another thought
Next time the police turn up (and we all know there will be a next time) ask them exactly what it will take to be able to file charges against them for harassment.
Harassment charges and future guardianship nightmare scenario
We followed up with the police station today, added to the case more feedback emphasized that we have been harassed. Basically we could do an injunction at the court house. Tried to find a lawyer but the one we spoke with suggests we should do this by ourselves. The policeman also spoke about a no contact injunction, not sure if those two are the same.
Today we also spoke with the attorney that did our wills etc. before. We asked how we can move forward and if there anything else we can do to safeguard for the future.
My husband has me as the preneed guardian now in the event he became incapacitated. The attorney told us today that this would not stop SDs from getting an attorney and going to court and getting guardianship of husband and all his property. I would have to be able to hire an attorney to fight them in court, pay a lot of money that I don't have and if I lost then they can do what ever they want with my husband and also be co owners of house car furniture etc. So basically I would be sort of "married" to toxic SDs. I can see them coming into the house as they please, barking orders, not helping at all with anything. I would be stack in a nightmare unable to get us away from them. I pray that God will protect us and my husband will never become incapacitated where he can speak for himself. Wondering if anyone has had similar situations. Husband now wants to give me everything and leave nothing in his name.
I’m not sure about how things are in usa but in australia
A will can be challenged if your husband leaves out certain people but it needs to be in context. If there is no explanation why say toxic adult sd's have been left out, a judge can rule in their favour etc if they can prove they are dependent on him financially.
this is why some simply put large assets like house they own in co-ownership with spouse or solely in their name so when spouse dies, other spouse gets it
my elderly father had a will done about 5 yrs ago where i get 60% and my brother 40% of home with reason I cared for him in his old age and when he had to go to hospital, i helped take him etc when my brother cut off contact
my father is now in process of adding me as co-owner of his home because my brothers wife is meddling in my late mothers estate and my dad whilst he is still alive claiming she is entitled to happiness (aka shopping sprees courtesy of dad and mums estate)
now in my case my brother handled my late mums estate in australia illegally against the lw, co-mingled money into he and his wifes bank acct then used the 20-30k as an offset acct to keep their mortgage repayments low which means my inheritance money was helping pay their mortgage and interest yet he refused to pay interest accumulated and made excuses why it took 6 yrs to pay estate money when all he had to do was get money out of a bank acct and pay funeral and tombstone costs.
he behaved so unethically and behind my back without informing me went to claim mums estate in her country of birth which is illegal as under Australian law, he must advise me what he is doing.
my late mothers biggest estate is overseas where my husband is from, i've engaged lawyers to handle the estate 50-50 split as per aussie law and lawyer claimed my brother couldn't claim islamic inheritance law where he gets 2/3rds of estate as a male because that extra money is not for him and his wife and kids to splurge on but as a buffer to take care of me if say my husband died or i was in hardship. Since we're both married, it's unethical for him to take that extra money because he clearly has no intention of keeping that money aside for me so therefore 50-50 split is what should happen.
my dad has seen so many illegal nonsense my brother and his wife both participated in by pocketing mums estate money in their joint bank acct which is illegal under Australian inheritance law and they can be prosecuted if i took this to court so i've used this to my advantage with the estate in malaysia.
my brother was dumb enough for him and his wife email and text my husband a nasty email that i had no shame claiming anything of my mums estate and that i should claim 0 as my husband is well off (my husband has worked at same company 30yrs vs my brother working few yrs) so you can't compare income levels.
my husband accumulated assets and property before marrying me but in my brothers mind, i own half of these but i do not under malaysian law. My brother was stupid enough along with his wife in the nasty email to my husband to state that he cut off contact with my dad over lies he and his wife invented which is why they didn't bother to respond to any messages or emails that dad was seriously ill and in hospital being operated on.
my brother claimed it was because i was co owner of our childhood home that my dad lives in. I was not and my husband told my brother he needed to stop spreading lies and do a title search.
its this sense of entitlement thaty idiot brother and his gold digging wife believing they are good muslims following the law of god blah blah blah when it benefits them financially but they don't really follow things when it doesn't benefit them. They've justified i am entitled to 0% of my mother or dads estate despite me caring for my dad and handling bulk of bills utilities etc before i married my husband when dad was retired.
my dad has never forgotten this and its because of my brother, his gold digger wife and inlaws sense of entitlement that my dad is this yr getting paperwork sorted to add me on as co-owner and i have to pay stamp duty for it so when he dies, my brother cannot touch the home, its mine and cannot be challenged in court
also in my dads will i have been appointed as executor/administrator of his estate and my dad made it clear my brother is not allowed to hold this position with will updated to state due to his conflict of interest and not handling the inheritance and estate settlement in the best interests of the inheritors in my mothers estate, that i am to perform this role.
there comes a point where its smart to foresee the future issues and nip them. So its smart for your husband to add you as co owner or transfer solely into your name. In australia a spouse can be added on free and no stanp duty paid, just transfer fee charges from memory so check what the rules are where you live. At least this addressed the largest chunk of the estate assets.
with regards to you being executor ir administrator of your husbands estate with sole authority to make end of life decisions etc, he needs to provide context why in will so judge will honour this.
if he states clearly that his toxic daughters have not maintained a relationship with him, harassed and threatened abused him throughout his marriage to you and have not behaved in a way which is in your best interests and health, well toxic sd's can sob some fake crocodile tears bullshit sob story in court, judge isn't gonna fall for it.
Sd's can try taking you to court to challenge you being administrator and this is why liquid assets (cash from bank accts need to be in joint names) that ways they cannot use estate money to pay for it
in australia my brother can challenge the estate in court and claim it from dads estate funds (bank acct) but if the only funds remaining are just enough to cover funeral costs and tombstone, and there are no other assets as home is not part of estate, well my brother is responsible for those court costs. Plan ahead to mitigate every dodgy move those toxic people will attempt.
my dad is against his estate being wasted on legal fees. When my brother had done all this illegal stuff on my mothers estate, he even tried to force me to sign a document that i would not take legal action against him which I referred him to aussie estate/inheritance law that stated he had no authority to do that and was in fact illegal. That his job as executor was to pay funeral costs etc and distribute fund to inheritors with a statement breakdown and reciepts and this would be sufficient for courts. My brother knew he had managed things illegally and was trying to cover his arse when it wasn't legal to do that. He was forcing me under duress that i wouldn't get my money unless i signed. Idiot realised he was messing with the wrong person and paid me
my dad therefore is handling his estate in such a way if my brother pursued legal action, hw simply can't because home is not estate and i am legally the owner as i have paid to be a co-owner but he will fake whatever sob story but courts and lawyers can't do anything and i will have the right to recover legal costs off my brother in the case if he is stupid enough to take it to court.
dad has done things in such a way that even oublic trustee, letter of administrator or executor/power of attorney isn't required as liquid cash falls below the amounts requiring this.
i hope this helps you navigate things and others here in us that have dealt with this can offer more advice
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for the great advice!