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Please Help--I think I am going to run away from home......

NM Adult Stepmom's picture

I am a 44 year old twice divorced mom. I remarried when I was 40 to a man who is six years older than me. I had three minor children and he had four adult children. My husband is very good to my biological children and I tried to be nice to his children until his wife came to town--brought home by his kids. She had the kids choose between me and her and of course they chose her. This all but destroyed the relationship I had with my husbands kids and their children with one of the daughters-in-laws being the ugliest of them all. The adult kids' mom died last June and now I am expected to go back to the loving step mom I was three years ago. My biological oldest has gone on and moved to another town and is leading a good life. My two little ones live with their biological father--he had the better lawyer. So it is me and my husband at home most of the time by ourselves. I feel bad because I had so much to love and offer all of my husband's kids and I just can't anymore. I love my husband dearly. He is the true love of my life and he has been kind to all of us. His adult daughter and another adult son live in different towns with their own lives and seem to be doing ok. The problem is his adult son who will be turning 30 this year. I guess the two had a "best buddy" relationship before we got married and I guess son has not gotten the message that dad is married. He calls my husband two and three times a day, tries to make plans for the weekends all the time. My husband has another adult son who lives in town who we just finished helping him move out on his own less than two years ago--he stayed for eight months in our house jobless. I had to get mean and made him get a job and his own house. This guy is doing ok now, hear from him maybe 2-3 times a week. But this other son is doing his darndest to ensure he is first in all of his dad's plans. It's been hard trying to live with the constant presence of ths adult son occupying a lot of my husband's energy and time (by the way, this is the daughter-in-law who gave me hell when she brought momma back into town). I truly believe this son is grieving the loss of his mother who was very much the drama queen and required so much attention from her kids. Now she is gone and son does not have that constant stress in his life. I think both son and DIL have some serious control issues and want us to do everything they "advise us to". My husband and I are both professionals with full time jobs and we are competent in making our own decisions. I have spoken with my husband, ok, yelled a few times about how I just can't take anymore "quality time" with this guy and his wife. Maybe if there was a little distance--even in the same town, I might be apt to miss them a little! My husband says that this is my problem and that he enjoys spending time with his son, not the wife, the son. He doesn't have a problem talking with the son every day and enjoys going and doing things with him. I work twelve hour shifts so at the end of the day, I am just a little tired, and my husband thinks its ok for the other son to "come over and hang out", even go out to eat supper. My biological son won't even come into town because again, my husband's sons think their quality time is more important. Am I just imagining this like my husband says? Do I need to come to terms of this family's dynamics and "suck it up" and "enjoy" these people all of the time? My husband says I should enjoy the fact the "kids" want to be around us all the time! I am ready to fire up the winnebago and run away from home. This stress is really starting to make me physically sick and when my husband's phone rings, especially on Saturday mornings, you can bet who it is.....

iloveit's picture are NOT imagining this. It's how you really feel what could be more honest and true? Just because he enjoys his own children does not mean that you need to enjoy his kids the same way. You are correct...perhaps if there was a little distance things might improve. You might not necessarily MISS SS but at least it would be easier to tolerate him if he wasn't demanding so much of your husaband's time. You should NOT be forced to hang around with SS ever if you don't want to. If this is taking up time on your weekends alone with DH I think you need to send a message to your DH about this. I think you should try disengaging. If DH has no interest in hearing your concerns and believes you are "making it up in your head" then when SS comes over, make other plans. Seriously, go get a pedicure or go to lunch with a girlfriend or something when SS visits. It sounds like he wants to spend time with daddy alone anyway...give him what he wants. I'm not suggesting you put distance between yourself and DH but if he isn't understanding your concerns then I say...just don't be around him and his son, you don't HAVE to spend time with anyone you don't want to. As far as your own son not being able to visit...that is unfortunate and I wish I had better advice for you. It sounds like your son is responsible and well adjusted....good work! It's amazing the differences in parenting on either side isn't it? You have raised a smart, successful human being...that's wonderful and you have a lot to be proud of in that regard.

It's too bad that their mother passed away (no matter how much of a witch she may have been she was still their mom) and of course there is a grieving period no question, but that doesn't mean that you have to step in again and be a surrogate mother after the way they treated you for years. If SS is 30 now and it was 3 years ago that BM manipulated them and caused friction between you and the kids, that means that SS was 27 at the time and believe me he was more than old enough to make his own decisions. If you would have been talking about a 5 year old I would understand but the fact that they are excuse for them turning their backs on you. You have every right to feel the way you do. As other people on here have said and will continue to are NOT a doormat. You don't deserve for anyone to treat you poorly. You have done nothing wrong, you love their father and you married him. If they are in their 30's and STILL have a problem with their dad being married to another woman...they have major issues that have NOTHING to do with you. They should seek some professional help with this, especially now that they are grieving the loss of their mother. I understand the need to be connected to your parents, especially when you have lost one but they need help moving on with their lives. SS is 30 and is married...they need to begin their lives and do whatever it is they choose to. SS should not be randomly stopping over to say hi, he needs to call first. I am 30 and I ALWAYS call the MY parents' house before I visit. It's impolite to walk into someone's house without checking in. Maybe that's just me but that would be the expectation of my children as adults. It doesn't mean they are not welcome it just means that you have a life with DH and it's YOUR house as well as his...they need your permission as well. Others on here would also tell you that you and DH need to be a united front otherwise...those skids walk all over you and you have no authority in your own life. It is a recipe for disaster.

It's ok for DH to spend time with skids of course...but he does need to check in with you and he needs to make you feel that your marriage comes FIRST if it really does in his eyes.

I'm sorry you are going through this...I am struggling to understand how adults can act this way. I don't know how I would be if my parents divorced, but I can officially tell you that I love both of them so much that I want their happiness and whatever that may's what they should have regardless of where that puts me. DH's relationship with them MUST change because it is healthy and normal for it to. You have a different relationship with your adult children than you do when they are babies, when they are 5, when they're teenagers's not healthy to believe that the dynamic is never supposed to change. It's creepy.

NM Adult Stepmom's picture

Thank you so much for your feedback. It is nice to know that my feelings are validated. My husband agreed with you that there is nothing wrong with him and SS spending "alone time", my only hope is that it doesn't develop into holiday "alone time", special occasion "alone time". I guess as far as what I can interpret from your post, that I am alienating myself from my husband's family because I don't get their family dynamics. So you are right. Find friends, find hobbies to do, but you know what? My husband and I are pretty close and enjoy doing things together, kinda sad to think we have to split our time between SS time and what normal families do. Thanks again.

iloveit's picture

You know, I have the same concerns with holidays etc with the family. I'm about to post a new blog today so if you're around you can read about my issues with Christmas. The gist of it is that I have not been invited to Christmas because SD20 and SD23 would not show up and then it would cause drama for SO and the brats and it's not something he wants to deal with. Thus, he causes drama for US in our relationship FANTASTIC!! I love him and we are the same way, we genuinely enjoy doing things together and in fact are excited to spend time with each other. He has a really demanding work schedule and travels a lot so my latest issue is that he's gone and our time is "penciled in" which makes me so uncomfortable. But I'm supportive so I try my best to work it out with him.

Please don't feel like you are the one who has to "alienate" yourself either...the skids are the ones who caused this (regardless of who influenced them). You wanted a relationship with them and you genuinely wanted a chance to be a part of their lives. They decided it wasn't what they wanted and they were old enough to choose on their own. I don't want you to think that you could have prevented this or taken different actions to change the course of the events. You sound like a kind and caring person and I feel sorry that your skids are missing out on this. It is their loss and I want you to keep that in mind.

I have also had to disengage...but in a different way. SD's won't even MEET me, let alone have a relationship with me. It bothered me for so long but then I decided I couldn't worry about strangers and my focus changed to my relationship with my SO and making that very strong. I want us to be a united front because there is a very real possibility that SD's at some point will try to force their father to choose between myself and them and at that point I want him to be firm with them and tell them that choosing is not an option. If we already have the bond and they see that...there is little room for them to manipulate him as they have done in the past. Their mother is this way too so that's where it comes from.

I'm glad I could help you and you are most welcome...I also feel like the support on this website has allowed me to see how strong I really am and my SO has even commented on how much I have grown due to the advice/support I have gotten. It's almost like I never knew my voice mattered - but it does and so does yours Smile

Keep us posted!!

wicked's picture

If DH doesn't respect your feelings and allows his kids to not respect your feelings, then maybe it's time to fire up the Winnebago and take a break from them. Go see your son for a long weekend. Tell DH you'd love to use your vacation time to do something with him, but you feel forced to use it to get away by yourself, so unfortunately there won't be any vacation time left over to spend with him. It will be a good test to see if he misses you, and if so maybe he will be willing to set some boundaries with the kids.

kfmass's picture

I'm writing a few days after the fact but I hope you get this reply. I am sorta in the same situation. Except I have 2 SS (both married) they are 26 and 28. The 28 yr old has 3 kids all under 3 and are extremely hyper and the parents think it's ok. So, now as the SDIL says "we want to come invade your house" then she smiles. They all go behind my back to make plans with my husband because I don't give them the answers they want. They try to control my schedule and I put my foot down with them. We are really busy through the week and my weekends are quiet time. I have a 22 yr old married daughter with a well-behaved 2 yr old granddaughter and I have a 14 yr old at home. They are from a previous marriage. Now my husband is saying they should be part of these gettogethers whether at SS houses or here. I am 47 and going through menopause. I suffer from migraines and I really don't do noise well. I told hubby go by himself to their homes. If I'm in the mood, I'll go. He's a very angry husband and loves control and he especially doesn't think there's anything wrong with them imposing on my life with all the noise. I have come to the conclusion though like wicked said take a break and go somewhere. I have friends that live within 2 hrs that I plan on visiting more frequently to get away. I know I will come home to my husband being angry. Our whole marriage has been painful bcause of his abusive ways. But I vowed 2011 is going to be diff. and I am setting some boundaries. That's what all step parents have to do to an extent to keep our sanity. You can only love those kids so much and they keep disrespecting you. It's time to do the things in life we enjoy. I do craft shows and am starting back to school fulltime in May and have told them I will not be available much after that. I was a single mom for a long time and worked all my life to take care of my 2 children. NOW IT'S OUR TIME FOLKS. TAKE A STAND EVEN IF YOU KNOW YOUR SPOUSE IS GOING TO GET ANGRY. WE NEED OUR PEACE OF MIND BACK. I don't know about you, but I was really happy in my singleness and am not afraid of going back to it. We can't keep letting children - no matter how old they are - step on us. That's not what the step in step parent is for. Let's pray for each other and keep our chins up. Get strong, be brave and try not to let it upset you. they are not worth losing sleep over.