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O/T: Brits and Aussies, a question

queenofthedamned's picture

What does the word cunt mean to you?

I am currently involved in a very stupid FB debate with someone who insists that the use of the word cunt, in any context, is misogynistic and sexist.

I disagree, because it's my understanding that when used by non-americans, it can refer to either sex without prejudice.

what do you think?


learningallthetime's picture

I am British and would never, ever say this word. I think it was disgusting...I do not know anyone in the UK who would think this is an acceptable word. Maybe it is just my circle. My friends from the UK, and my family, rarely swear. Most of my friends in the USA do not either.

learningallthetime's picture

Oh, and I should add in the UK it is most certainly used in a sexist and misogynistic manner. If it is used to refer to a man, it is used in the context of calling them the lowest kind of female, at least in my experience (in other words a c**t is the worst insult to a female - even worse if used to a male)

learningallthetime's picture

LOL! I swear in some ways I am so worldly, and in others I just am not! I have traveled to more countries than most people have cities, and partied with the best of them...but I rarely hear swearing?! Maybe it is me? When I was at nursing school everyone called me the "dark horse" as I have experienced/done things most people would turn gray at the idea of (I get easily bored, and enjoy new things!), but I come across as the innocent angel! At work people always say they feel bad swearing in front of me LMAO - I asked if they thought it was because I would judge them, but they said it is because they thought it would upset me!

I really could not care if people swear, just no one does around me. Clearly I should become something evil as I have the angelic look down!

learningallthetime's picture

I agree with this. I will use that word twat too occasionally, as a fun word. the C word to me is serious fighting, never going to be speaking to the person again word.

luchay's picture

No, if I use that word (which I have very rarely) it is in extreme anger or hurt.

It is the NASTIEST thing you can call someone - usually a female. But no, NEVER ok. Not ever used in jest or fun, not like "dick" or "bitch" even.

And you would not hear it in public, like I wouldn't be afraid to say to my OH if he was playing the fool out somewhere "you are such a dick!" But no-one would say the C word. Oh - teenagers trying to be tough and grown up. But if they said it near me I'd take their heads off, especially if my kids were there.

Very very rude and offensive, the rudest swear word I know.

(I'm in Australia for the record!)

usedup1's picture

I think that word is disgusting. But my DH is Aussie and when his best friends calls ( also Aussie), that word is used freely, as many times as we would say shit. I was shocked the first time I heard those two speak! Although, my DH refrained because obviously I was sitting there while hearing their conversation on the blue tooth in the truck.
I asked him why is that word used so much?
He said its an Aussie thing, thats how mates talk.
I dont believe it, I just think his friend uses that word because he is somewhat of a jerk. But seriously, I actually was thinking of using that word, about a dozen times yesterday. Lol..

luchay's picture

No, it is NOT an Aussie thing.

It is NOT how mates talk.

My OH uses the F word freely, they call each other bastards, etc, but NEVER EVER uses the C word

SOME Aussies use it freely, I guess just like some people everywhere use really bad language in every day speech, but PLEASE do not label us all as being that disgusting.

As I said before - if it gets used in most places here it's usually a sign of extreme anger or stress. BM used it to me once. Oh well.

usedup1's picture

Hahahaha. I know, already asked my in laws via Facebook (private) of course. I think thats just him. This friend isnt well liked by most of the women in this particular organization we are involved with. And his language gave me a little indication why. My DH was just pacifying him.. I get it.

luchay's picture

LOL - yeah I reckon a man who uses that word freely wouldn't be popular with the "ladies" and I use that word on purpose, I am sure that there are females in the world that would be fine with it, but they are NOT ladies!

Now, where did I put my hat and gloves.... Dirol

(and to be completely honest - I called my OH that last Saturday quite a number of times!) }:)

StepLady's picture

I could care less what it means in any culture, I know what the word means and do not care what the culture or climate uses it in. It means vagina but it is also a filthy word that can replace any other filthy word in any context. I have traveled and heard it in bars around the world from PA in the USA to French to Spanish. What does it matter what the use is in any country? It is typically profanity no matter what country, it is not used publicly by politicians etc or on camera. It means a vagina. What does the cultural use matter? I agree with the others, it is classless no matter where you happen to be. Why would any adult/parent have a care about this on their Facebook page? I am grown, I call animals animals, I call body parts by their names and I call bad people bad people.

SecondGeneration's picture

Yeah the C word was the only banned word for me too. Various and really any other swear word can be used but the c word just no. Vile word lol

queenofthedamned's picture

I suppose I should have given some context. For the record, I am not going around FB calling people offensive names lol. I have a friend (male) who is a vegan and an animal activist. He shared a tweet from Ricky Gervais that basically said "Hunting would only be a fair sport if the animals had guns too. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a c*nt." And then my friend's FB got blown up by people calling him sexist and a misogynist for sharing something with that word in it. I have no idea why I got involved in it - you know what they say about fighting on the internet - but I have heard people from the UK use the word to refer to either sex.

I just hate to see people get attacked over stupid crap like that. Perhaps he should have thought twice about sharing something with such a universally offensive term, but I think he was going for shock value and not trying to attack women.

Thank you all for your input! The next time I use the C word it will be strictly to refer to BM, most likely as cuntzilla. Because she truly is.

Shaman29's picture

Some people really, really HATE Ricky Gervais. It may have been an attack more against him than your friend.

Jsmom's picture

American and it is a huge insult here...I can not imagine using this word in any context.

SecondGeneration's picture

I really like the word wench, that word is so rarely used these days but it rolls so nicely off the tongue.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Eh, every bad word is bad. If I use one, I shouldn't be surprised if someone uses another. Weird how we do have a hierarchy of "bad" for bad words.

To me, it's like saying, I'm a murderer but I don't kill puppies. You're a murderer too but you do kill puppies, therefore you are a worse murderer than me. Lol, this is just IMHO though.

zerostepdrama's picture

Think what you want Ladies but I have used that word!

But I also have a huge potty mouth. It's not my favorite word or the one that comes to my head most frequent but I have said it when talking about other women (BM, my Ex's Ex who caused a lot of drama).

Like an above poster said- a bad word is a bad word.

BethAnne's picture

I've used the word as a harsh insult, as a mild insult and also to refer to vaginas (mine and others). If someone said it to me the level of insult I would take from it would be based on the context as it would be for any other insult. From my view point as a brit it seems to be largely generational. I would never say cunt in front of my parents or to my boss but amoungst peers I would do so freely (not that I swear all the time). As someone else said above it is used frequently as a term of "endearment" particularly between young men. I live in the US now and have been told that it is still often regarded as a harsh insult even by the younger generation. Words and there meanings and associations change over time, I feel cunt is going that way and will soon be more acceptable.

In terms of it being sexist and misogynistic. Well it is, that is true, but there are lots of swear words that have their roots in sexuality both male and female: bitch, whore, twat, prick, dick, bollocks are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. Again I think that the context is key as to whether an insult or comment using those words is sexist. The example you give that your friend used I don't feel is sexist as his intention is clearly to apply it to everybody who disagrees with him equally.

The problem with words is that people give them too much power and then get themselves in a tiss when they are used in a way which causes no direct insult to them. But there will always be people ready to take offence no matter what you say.