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Its Just the 2 of us now!

purpledaisies's picture

Well got both kids in their dorms, it took all freaking day! I was so tired. LOL But at least they are at the same school however one is on one side of campus and the other is on the other side. That was a LOT of freaking walking!

This is my sons first time away from home like this and he hugged me and didn't want to let go. Awe! We didn't move a lot of his stuff as his room mate didn't move in til today and he wanted to wait for him to see what they wanted. I can't blame him there.

I did have a small melt down. I was putting his things in his bathroom when I looked up and saw all my grey hair and it started a holy crap moment that I'm old and my kids are all gone now and I don;t know what to do with myself! whew ok I can do this! Blum 3


purpledaisies's picture

Thanks I was thinking the very same thing yesterday. I was like OMG both my kids are in college and neither have kids or a relationship at this point. I felt so proud.

I'm sorry you haven't been able to experience kids. They have been my life and my world for so long that I don't know what to really do but i'm sure I'll figure it out. They first thing I did was get my hair dyed! lol

purpledaisies's picture

Awe thank you. Dh used to tell me I was way to harsh and hard on them. I told him look where they are now! he he. in fact my dd told me a while back that she was thankful for how hard I was on her other wise she would have been a loser. awe that made my day.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree with you about expectations. It was never and option to not to go to college in my house hold. It was expected they would go period.

My step sons on the other hand not so much. ss17 is graduating this year and already told us he is not going to college. ss16 is a good kid but has no motivation. ss13 well a little too early for him right now. But ss16 isn't even studying for is permit let alone driving.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

My SS's go back tomorrow. They are only a few miles away so they come home often. Good luck and enjoy your "me time". Smile