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I have been blessed that my skids like me....

purpledaisies's picture

The other night ss15 called me (on dh's phone so I don't know that bm knows he is talking me) and wanted me to go to a game on face book. So I did and the little turd beat my score! We are kinda competitive so now I have to beat his score!

My point is that it got me to thinking how many can say their skids call them just b/c? I like the fact that the boys feel so free to talk to me when they want. Even if it is to show off that he beat my score! TURD. I even talk to them all on face book.

They all joke around with me and say thank you and tell me happy bday and all normal things that most kids are taught. Now that is not to say that they are perfect but at least it is mainly normal kid stuff.

So how many of you can say that your skids feel free to call you and talk to you about just stuff???


stepfamilyfriend's picture

Nice to hear this! You must have something to do with the blessing though, as well.
Sd used to call me more or ask that we hang out. A little less now, but she texted me yesterday asking for baby names....

purpledaisies's picture

Yes I made it clear to them ion the beginning that I was not there to replace their mom and I am not their mom. I also stayed out of bickering between dh and bm. I also never talked about bm to the kids or around them. It also helped that bm is always talking bad about me and my kids. The boys know that everything that bm says are lies about me and my kids as they see what I am like and know what goes on here. Ss15 talks to me all the time about it.

MamaBecky's picture

I am one of the lucky ones also. SD14 doesn't call so much but she text's and fb's me all of the time. We talk regularly and not just when she wants Smile

I am confident that SD6 when old enough to have free range access to a phone will be the same way. She is encouraged by both my DH and her BM to love me and treat me as her other mom which she does adamantly. She is very open, loving and free with me now and she has her big sister as a role model so I am confident that will not change.

Doubletakex3's picture

I'm pretty lucky in this regard too. How do you handle it when the skids tell you something that they don't want BD to know?

MamaBecky's picture

By BD do you mean bio-dad or bio daughter?

I dont have bio children, only steps.

If you meant dad it depends on what it is. If it's about boyfriends in general, friend issues, female issues, or even general complaints about life at BM's that can be between facilitates trust.

If it is a boyfriend or BM issue that is about impropriety or safety then I tell SD that I appreciate that she told me but that I will have to discuss it with her father. She now expects this and mostly just wants me to do the talking to dad so that she doesn't have to. If at all there is any doubt I tell DH.

9 times out of 10 even when she tells me a "secret" she ends up telling him as well....usually within a day or two....she just has to work herself up to it sometimes. LOL Dad's can be intimidating to there daughters especially when there daughters value there opinion or seek there approval badly and my SD14 certainly does.

Doubletakex3's picture

Thanks for the reply. I meant bio dad. SS13 is a really intelligent kid who is slacking in school and trying to skate so far this year (progress report validated it). He spends a lot of time on play station and his computer when he should he studying. He told me the other day that he usually skips lunch and goes to the library to play play station. He said he also spends a lot of time during English at the library (English is one of the lackluster grades). He always pulls his grades up before report cards come out so I'm wondering if I should just wait and see.

I can't help but wonder why the school allows him to do this. I know his Dad would not be happy about it. But, I also don't want to rat him out and have him think he can't tell me things in confidence.

purpledaisies's picture

I haven't had this issue come up. My ss's don't tell me something that they have asked me not to tell him. But I would encourage him to tell his dad himself and would talk about why it would be a good idea. If it is something real bad I would tell him that he had so much time to tell his dad pr i would. But of course it depends on what it is...