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Is this classic PAS?

purpledaisies's picture

I blogged about how bm said that ss15 hate dh for leaving her a single mom and as a result she is disabled. (not really she just thinks she is). then I cleared it up with ss15 and he was very angry at his mom and even said she is just disabled in the head. Then she went home and they were fighting and bm said she wants him to live with us then retracted it. Even bought him a pair of $130 shoes and expected dh to pay for half.
On top of that she sent about 4 texts saying how ss15 needs to stay where he is and that god gave her him for a reason and he is going no where.

If all this is not enough she called to ask for dh to give up his weekend so she can spend some 1 on 1 with ss15. But here is the thing she wants to keep all of the boys!? :?

But then why can't she do that on HER time? Plus the boys don't have school on Monday so why can't see do it then?

So is this PAS or what? Thanks


Jsmom's picture

Do not let her vary from the CO. If you do now, it will never stop. She is playing your DH and her son. Shame on her....

prayerhelps's picture

I agree. Stay with the CO. Having had a PASer BM, I can tell you, she would try any time to switch the CO around, get more visitation, whatever, so she could "manipulate" things to her favor. We just pretty much said "you know the visitation schedule, you have the calendar, don't schedule unless during your visitation."

purpledaisies's picture

That is what I told dh and I *thought* he was going to tell her no that he wants his weekend. Then he changed his mind and was considering it. :?

He wants to spend time with me too and he says this is a great time to do something with just us. As much as I like the idea I don't think it is a great choice.