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Am I a babysitting service???

pixie1's picture

For anyone who is not familiar with my story I am a BM to 3 children 2 from 1st marriage and 1 child to current DH. I have 2 SD from DH 1st marriage. We are no different to anyone else here suffering at the expense of DH ex wife. I had posted in my first blog that SD had not wanted to come over very often since new baby Brother was born. DH has become increasingly frustrated with this as we used to have them a week at a time before bub was born. BM has recruited DH family on her side of recent saying we are not having the children and not paying her child support which is all a load of bull!!! We try every week to have SD and they either do not show up, do not call us back, have something on or just say no!!. how much can we possibly try, we have even tried over compensating with spoiling them at one stage whcih was silly as it did not work either. As far as child support is concerned we are paying 10 times the amount we have to pay so her acccusations are ridiculous. DH has told his family her or me and is currently not speaking with his family and will not back down!!. At the end of my last post we discovered BM is now also recruiting DH cousins on facebook by requesting to be their friends. Unblieveable really considering they were never close when DH and her were married. So looks like she is wanting everyone on her team and not on ours.

Well I get an unexpected phone call 2 days ago from SD-11 who never ever calls. Chatted very matter of fact for a while before asking me does baby brother have 2 teeth now because she heard he does. I talked about it with her as I had called them to tell them of his first tooth the week before. what was odd was we had only discovered the 2nd tooth the night before and had not discussed our findings with anyone yet. We could not work out how hs knew this till I remembered putting a post on my facebook page so friends could be alerted and relatives about the new 2nd tooth. So obviously BM is checking out my page and has told SD!! STALKER.
As the conversation continued I was asked if SD11 could borrow my daughters school shoes because hers could not be found..UNBELIVABLE!! hello we are paying BM 10 times the amount of child support she needs and what does she expect my daughter to wear to school in the meantime???? and then I get hit up with..."Mum works till 6pm tommorrow, can you pick us up from school?"........UUUMMMMMM I never ever get a phone call from my SD who I looked after for a week at a time and now I get one asking for school shoes and to babysit. Caught on the spot of course I said yes, what could I say. So I do the right thing and pick them up from school etc etc. SD14 has not bothered to see baby Brother for 3 months now adn could hardly give him the time of day whenshe was here. SD11 was a little more attentive but I had expectations that they would be all over him making up for lost time. But what angered me the most was what ever baby brother did baby cousin could do better!! baby cousin is DH brothers baby whom we are not talking to... so it went like this. baby brother is rolling.......ah well cousin can roll too and he can roll more. Baby brother likes his nappy off...ah well baby cousin only likes his nappy off and is happy the whole time it is off. Oh isn't baby brother cute...ah baby cousin is SO cute he is unbelivably cute!! Look at baby brothers 2 teeth....well baby cousin is getting 2 teeth adn probably a 3rd and his are up the top!! even to the point they were calling baby brother by baby cousins name. so you can get the picture that nothing baby brother is could be better than baby cousin. SD-11 insists on calling BM twice while she was here to talk which only confirms our issue that they can pick up the phone to call BM but cant seem to do it to call DH. When BM phones they run out the door without saying goodbye to me or baby brother and that was that. when DH returns from work and asks how it went what could I say???

Spoke to psycologist about it all today and she is aware of the control BM has over the children to the point they cant breathe without asking her first so she was not suprised about the 2 phone calls to check in with Mother. It just angered me the comparison they were making when it came to baby brother and cousin which is why I have not joined a Mothers group with him. I spoke about how used I felt as a babysitter because Mum is too tight to pay for after school care and the hide of BM to get SD-11 to ask for my daughters school shoes. Not to mention recruting all of DH family on facebook. DH has told me I am not to babysit for BM as I never recieve phone calls any other time and that If i cannot say no to them to tell them to call him and he will tell them it cant be done if he is at work... DH has shocked me how tough he has been and will not put up with the crap anymore. Sd-11 also did not invite us to her school presentation today which put the icing on DH cake...


northernsiren's picture

And if nothing else, know the true lay of the land there. Obviously they see a lot more of baby cousin than of your baby, and that's pretty sad, given their respective relationships. I think the BM has landed DH's family hook line and sinker. You may want to remove them from your facebook page (though that draws a line in the sand too) BM can't look at your facebook page without being one of your friends, so someone reported to her or SD about the tooth.

Kind of pathetic that she's got nothing better to do than gossip about Pixies baby's teething schedule....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

frustratedinMA's picture

Wow.. that is very sad. I would no longer babysit.. ESPECIALLY if DH is on board w/that. You were used.. and for that, it should stop. Just be prepared the next time she calls to want something.. and just be prepared to say no. Even IF it sounds like a reasonable request.

The shoe thing FLOORED me.

melis070179's picture

Sounds like they are slowly but surely trying to cut you guys out of their lives since your child together has been born. Just be glad that your DH is standing up to them. I'd from now on do as your DH said if they call & direct them to him. You shouldn't have to be the bad guy or give into them. Just focus all your time & energy on your baby & let them go off & live their lives as they see fit. Maybe one day they will actually grow up!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"