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SS 35's Paternity tests!

LONGTIME SM's picture

So SS 35 who has not talked to DH for most of the last 3 years because he felt he was not given enough of his father's inheritance when H's mother passed away went around to H's brothers about a year ago claiming that he had a baby. SS 35 even brought the baby over to H's brother's house to visit one evening showing him off. Naturally H's brother told H about this but SS never bothered to tell H himself. Of course it originally had the desired effect of upsetting H that SS 35 could not be bothered to tell him he had a grandchild but I recommended that H take the news with caution as I could just envision SS 35 borrowing the baby one evening or volunteering to babysit just to make up this story to get back at H. Besides I could not see getting any of us involved with another grandchild that would just be withheld from us again. We decided not to mention the "baby" until H was officialy notified by SS 35. SS 35 had H's brothers convinced.

The reason it crossed my mind that SS 35 may have borrwoed the baby for retaliation was that SS35's story made no sense. SS 35 had called up his cousin and fussed at her for not telling him about her pregnancy after the baby he claims is his was born. He did not mention he was a Dad at that time. I have to wonder why not. He also gave some lame excuse about the baby supposedly being the result of a one night stand yet he was supposedly accepting the baby as his with no DNA at that time. SS 35 claimed that he was asking the baby's mother to put his name on the birth certificate with no proof that the baby was his. SS 35 claimed that she would not do this??? If the baby was SS 35s, it seems real odd to me that she wouldn't do this???? SS 35 claimed he was supporting the baby but we never heard that he was paying child support.

SS 35 even demanded a Christmas party with H's niece last Christmas so the two babys could be introduced. SS 35 never called H to tell him anything or to introduce the fact that he had a baby but he made sure H knew about this get together through SD 34's husband.

H did not say anything about the baby until last month during his last phone call with SS 35 when SS 35 had his latest adult temper tantrum. At this time SS 35 tells H that the baby was NOT his. SS 35 claims that he had had three (count them THREE) DNA tests done - supposedly one said the baby was his and two others said he was not the father. I had never heard that this was decided by majority rule. Wink SS 35 never offically called H's brothers to tell them that the baby was not his.

While I can't say for sure this seems very suspicous. I simply can not see SS 35 paying for 3 DNA tests (at least 2 k) . Could you really have contradictory results like SS 35 claims?

Could this have been just another attempt to hurt H or try to get him to cater to him on SS 35's part?

Just curious what others think.

Rags's picture

Looks like, shit, smells like shit, tasts like shit ..... must be shit. Bull of course.

Certainly mistakes can be made on DNA tests but this certainly does not pass the smell test IMHO.

Best regards,

JustAnotherSM's picture

The only plausible explanation that I can think of, is maybe the first test was really a blood test where they compare the blood type of baby and parent to determine whether or not it's even possible that SS35 is the dad. If the conslusion of that test stated that SS35 could be the dad, then they would need to do DNA testing to confirm. BUT... the rest of the story still doesn't quite add up. Why 2/3 DNA tests? Why bring DH's brothers into this mess and then not tell them the outcome of the tests? Is there a crazy BM involved that is stringing SS35 along so he'll play house and help provide for the baby while she denies any visitation because he's not the dad?

LONGTIME SM's picture

SS 35 never said the mother was denying visitation. In fact I am aware of at least two occaisions where he had the baby for a couple of hours of show and tell with H's brothers. The main reason I am not sure that the baby was not borrowed to try to make H feel bad was that I could not imagine what mother in her right mind would hand over a 9 month old baby to SS 35 who has no other children - even to babysit. I quess the baby could be a relatives that we don't know about - IDK.....