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The Birthday party (conclusion)

patient but frustrated's picture

Well, we did have a party for ss. (See's hitting the fan and I need advice.) We had a constant stream of phone calls from BM trying to sabotage it, as we expected. But HE (ss) did NOT get to leave ....(so proud of BF)and she is in all out war mode right now. BF explained to him that what BM did was wrong and that BM couldn't tell him (BF) what he could and couldn't do during the times that ss is with us and explained that when ss was with BM that he (BF) couldn't tell her what to do. It is so hard for the little guy,he is turning 8, but he caught on quick, understood, didn't give us too much of a tantrum, wanted to know why BM always does this, (which we didn't reply to). God only knows what drama we are in for this week with BM. I'm expecting many threats that we will never see ss again (which is BM's favorite threat.) I just thought it really sad that during such a special event in ss's life that she felt the need to show her ass. We did find out however that the party SHE had planned for him next weekend (her week) went bust.... adult SD informed us that BM is upset because every person invited has backed out and several people whom she invited such as her own mother and sisters declined and told her the reason they weren't coming is that they didn't want to see her or be involved with her drama. She has hurt so many people. I think it is sad...especially for ss. Just wanted to update as to what happened, hope everyone has a "drama--free" day. Much love!


OldTimer's picture

is that BM doesn't even recognize that these very people, family don't want to be around her due to her actions. Geeh, if my entire family told me... No, thank you... I'd begin to wonder... is it me? You know what I mean?

But it is very very sad for the little boy. I don't know, maybe they are just trying to protect him from witnessing Drama Mama, maybe? That's all I can think of...

I'm glad BF stood his ground, was able to have a 'uninterrupted' party for his little guy.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

patient but frustrated's picture

It is so encouraging to have people who understand how things really fly in these messes. All of you on this site have given me strength. And I want to thank you. StepMom, this BM has caused so much hurt in her own family that is why no one wants to be around her, but nothing is ever her fault. What is even sadder than sadder LOL is that she walks around like the victim...she had the affair, she ended the marriage...she has hurt her own family and she walks around playing the victim which makes no sense. LOL I guess it takes all kinds to make a world...