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THe Evil Spawn needs an Exorcist!

Stressed Out Mom's picture

Today was the big day.SD6 aka Spawn was here for the birthday party I threw her. She acted like a BOSSY, SPOILED, UNGRATEFUL BRAT!!!! 14 little girls here and she bossed them around and treated them like they were her personal puppets here for her amusement. Her Dad was sick to watch her behave like this. Then she began doing her damsel in distress act for her dad when it was time for her to go to BM. She gave me dirty looks all day, even though I was the one that days prepping for her party. Anyhow, before she left for her Mom's she started crying because she wanted to take all her birthday gifts there. Luckily I spoke to her dad about this ealier...and we decided the gifts should stay here so she has new things to play with when she is here. So it was her dad that told her the gifts stay here. We let her take one gift by her mom. Playdough. Let the Lazy Bitch clean that mess Anyhow my boyfriend told her to say thank you to me for the awesome party and say good by. She would not. Amazing huh? But the past 3 days while I was shopping, prepping and decorating for her party she was calling me Mom and sweet as pie! 6 years old and she is already this cunning and manipulating. And people wonder why I call her evil spawn! I will never ever do this again for her. It was disturbing watching her act like a Bridezilla today with her playmates. Some of those poor girls could not wait to leave.So I learned somthing tonight. No matter what and how much I do for Spawn she will always be ungreatful. SO I think I wont be trying so hard anymore. Tonight I also told my boyfriend about how I feel about his kid. It felt good to get it off my chest. The ironic thing was he agreed to most of what I told him. He said to me" you dont think I see the was she is?" SO Im impressed that he is not oblivious:)


dodgegal05's picture

I'm sorry that your party was not appreciated, as I read your post I was picturing a scene from "Zombieland". There is a woman frantically driving away from a house in a suburb, little zombie girls in princess dresses are after her. I forget what the narrator says, but it reminds me of sd's sometimes.
Atleast your SO sees what you see, thats half the battle. his kid will be the main plastic girl (mean girls) when she reaches teenage years at this rate.

Lauren1438's picture

It is the rule about not driving the neighboorhood car pool. When the little girls turn into flesh eating monsters just say no.....

Stressed Out Mom's picture

THis is what I think. Not all children are the same. And some child are yes EVIL. And let me add...manipulateing, cunning, dishonest,hurtful, and malisious. So if the name fits....she can wear it. This site is used for us to vent and take out our fustrations, not to be judged by you JOJO. I have enough stress at home I dont need you telling me off. By the way...Im a great Mom who is raising an 11 year old boy who is in accelerated class, a stellar student. He has manners and is polite. People constinately give me compiments on what a wonderful boy Ive raised on my own. He is also from a broken marraige. He dont act like an evil spawn. Also when you step into my shoes's JOJO and see how it feels to be treated like shit from a young child then you can speak. For now you should really keep your opinions to yourself.

Tara12's picture

You are right not all children are the same. I was engaged to a man for 4 years engaged for 2 of those and his daughter was EXACTLY like your SD. Sweet and nice when she wanted something from both her dad and I and the devil when she didn't get her way. The screaming the crying, the back talk was unbelievable and yes her dad would try (half heartadly) to calm her down. I can remember the little evil smiles behind his back at me when plans changes to do something she wanted. The last straw for me was when she was 7 and we were at disneyland and daddy didn't buy her everything she wanted and my exf bought me a couple of shirts as we were walking in bear country when we were at the top of the stairs going down she went in to a rage and pushed me and I fell down the stairs. So yes some of these kids are evil little spawn and I didn't see anywhere in your post that you were saying this to the kids face. You are here to vent period, everyone has an opinion if they don't like what you write then don't reply.

Have a talk with your bf and see about putting some boundaries up for this kid and also see about some sort of ocunseling perhaps for her holier than though attitude. If she is only 6 and acting like a horomonal drama queen 16yr old things are only going to get worse if dad doesn't nip it in the bud now. Hang in there!