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I feel for my DH today

notsofast's picture

Through another person my DH found out that SS17 lied to him when he told him he was out of town and couldn't get together over Thanksgiving.

That person was invited by BM and SS17 to spend time together in town over Thanksgiving, which means they weren't out of town.

My DH is hurt and pissed.

To me, he said "That little shit. He's just like BM" about SS17, who claimed he couldn't get together for a meal because they were several states away. One meal only.

SS17 also decided to quit the job he just got after 1 day. He's disappointed in his child and who he is turning out to be. It is terribly unfortunate how he is turning out.

I don't know what to say to him, except to listen and be supportive. While I've known that about SS17 for a long time, it's another thing to really really get it about your own flesh and blood.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

I know exactly how you feel. My heart just breaks for my DH when his kids do similar things. They are young adults now - should be old enough to know better. Everyone seems to come before DH - siblings, friends and of course BM. When they break plans with him they are often honest about admitting it is because someone is coming first, but they have also lied and he has figured it out.

I agree, not much you can do but listen and comfort.

notsofast's picture


Luckily DH has gotten to where he gives a gift card that is a small token of "you are my child, even if you don't act like you want to be" and tries to take SS out to dinner or lunch as Christmas.

Vs the "bad old days" of this kid getting a new video game console, hundreds of dollars of legos, a remote controlled boat and a bunch of smaller toys for christmas... and all from dad alone. He has learned that's how you raise brats. It may have been a lesson too late, but at least he's stopped it now.

moving_on_again's picture

My DH is heartbroken about his S17 lying, too. I don't know what to do, either. He's slowly getting better but I think Christmas is going to be tough.