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Family agreement

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Well, this may be putting the cart before the horse to some degree, but FH and I have spent so much time in the last few weeks talking about SDstb15 coming and living with us, I felt the need to draft a document outlining the commitments, rules, and guidelines we would like to set in place for the new full time family. We go to the lawyer's office Sat, and proceedings begin. BM does not have the financial wherewithall to fight this, so we hope it will be a relatively smooth transition, though she is going to blow a gasket when she gets served.

Long-- Need feedback on proposed custody agreement

northernsiren's picture

Hi folks,

We have a meeting with the lawyer on 1/10 to initiate custody proceedings for SD14. It looks like it's really going to happen! In an effort to do as much leg work on MY time rather than his expensive time, I downloaded the form from superior court for a custody agreement, and took a stab at drafting a proposal myself based on their guidelines, plus the wisdom I have read in these pages. Here's what we've come up with below. I would love your feedback, as I am really trying to minimize 6 months from now having to go back to court over this that or the other thing.

BM--What can she do???

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Well, it looks like we are moving forward for custody, thanks to SD14s grandfather (yep, the BM's dad!) funding the custody suit. The grandfather came over last night and we discussed options for lawyers, and decided to go with the lawyer that handled the grandfather's divorce. Apparently the BM gets a lot of her irrational, unstoppable anger rage from HER mother, and this lawyer managed to get her to sit civilly and talk through the divorce, so maybe it'll work with BM too with regard to custody of SD.

The aftermath of the christmas visit with my family

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The very good:

This just got back to me last night via FH who was told by my mom. Apparently while at Xmas at my folks house my mom asked SD what she thought about FH and my recent engagement. SD said that she's been calling me her step mom since the day she met me, so it's no big change for her, but she's happy it's official.

the 30 dollar christmas

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We managed to convince BM to allow us to take SD on Christmas day, b/c FH and I were traveling to MA to be with my family, who adore SD, and we wanted to bring her. BM requests that we not pick SD up until 10:00 am so they can have "family time" christmas morning. Threw a bit of a crimp in our plans, but okay, we made it work. So at 10:00 am on the dot, we pull up to SD's house. She comes out a moment later, and we cheerfully greet her, say merry christmas, etc. We ask her how her morning was and she says she spent it alone.

turning into my mom, LOL

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We've been telling SD for the last yr she can invite friends over while she's at our house if she wants to, but she has never taken us up on it. I mean it's true, we live in a different town (though not too far) and we only have her Sat evening-Sun evening, but I thought at least she might have someone over for the afternoon or something. Nope, never even calls her friends when she's here. Well, today FH calls me and says SD wants two of her friends to sleep over tonight, and I'm ALL bent out of shape about it, like to the point of tears!

Gearing up for the holiday

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So far, nothing has come of SD's grandfather pushing the custody issue. He had planned on going to the police at the end of last week to file a report, but due to the snow storm he had to work pretty much all day Friday and most of the weekend (works for electric co) so as of yesterday, he was planning on going today. I really hope this all does not lose momentum. SD has gotten her hopes up around this issue too many times, and I'd hate to see it all fall apart now.

Child welfare check??

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Hey everyone, at one point on here I was told that you can at any time call the police and request a child welfare check on a living situation if you are concerned for a child's well being??

Is that the case? This is not a regional thing is it??? Any input is greatly appreciated!!!!

Here's one for the books--BM's dad is going to finance our court battle!

northernsiren's picture

Well, it’s been a great kickoff to BM’s new baby. Today makes one week exactly that BM has had her latest spawn home with her, and SD planned to spend this weekend with her grandparents, and so we wouldn’t be seeing her. Okay, no problem. So FH and I were dressed and ready to go to a nice brunch at a prospective wedding venue when we get a call from the grandparents. Apparently about an hour after they picked up SD from BM’s, BM called irate and demanded they return SD b/c she had not fully completed her myriad of chores and thus had to both finish them and be punished.
