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just when I thought things couldn't get worse.....BMs husband is now divorcing her!

NewSM10's picture

I really just need to post this blog and vent.

So we took SS9 ice skating for his 9th birthday with BM and her husband Sat night. Afterward, SS9 insisted that we go back to their house so FH could play light saber's with him (ya know star wars) to much of FH's annoyance we agreed. This means that I am basically stuck with BM all night at their home (oh joy) while SS and both Dad's play video games. Which it really goes pretty well until she starts drinking wine (which she did the last time we came over). So after a few glasses of wine she proceeds to tell me that she and her husband have been fighting a lot lately and he told her the night before that he wasn't husband material. Ok!? Keep in mind that BM has not had a job for an entire year and her husband is paying all the bills minus our child support. He works like 50+ hours per week. Then she has been pressuring him for a bigger house and a baby. All the while she doesn't have a job! So I try to give her advice on what her husband may be going through considering I am in the same situation (he has only been in the picture for 3 years) so our relationships are about the same length of time. I told her that she needed to lay off of him about selling the house and that having a kid is no picnic after you have been single for so long. It also isn't easy to welcome a bio father back into the picture and spend all of his off time making friends with us. Of course when I compared my relationship with hers and mentioned how FH was always the optimistic one in our relationship, BM would say "Oh, yes FH and I are just alike, I do the same thing" (but her husband complains that she is always a pessimist so how is that true????) . I can't count how many times she has said that since I have met her. FH would say he liked orange chicken, so she said she liked it too. He said the liked the character butters from South Park (the tv show) and she said that was her favorite character too. It gets so annoying. FH is like "I DON'T HAVE A DAMN THING IN COMMON WITH THAT WITCH", of course she never says that in front of him. Oh, and she spilled the beans after a few glasses of wine that she had gotten an abortion just a few years ago before she met her husband. EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!! So you kept a child with a 17 year old high school boy and you aborted a child with an adult????? FH went through the roof when I told him that. And she asked AGAIN if we would meet her f'ing family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was about to lose it! I said no FH doesn't feel comfortable with that. She said well, if it takes a few years then so be it. I was like no crazy witch, never!!!!!!! She was like "so i was talking to my dad and he suggested that you and FH come swimming at his house with us this summer so they can meet ya'll" =========Are you processing this yet=========== Not only do we not want to meet them for their unneeded judgment, I also don't need them judging every dimple in my ass!!!!!! c'mon.

Then Monday I get a text at work from BM (i guess we are bf's now) saying that her husband wants a divorce. She said he told her that he didn't like her anymore, has been unhappy for a while now, and didn't think that they were right for each other. Huge shock! I mean she really deserves him putting his foot down but just walking out on her and the SS9 after they have taken their vows. Oh, keep in mind that he sat down FH in the beginning and said "you know once you meet the kid again, you are in it for life" and now he is taking the easy road out. So convenient that he does this only months after the bio father comes back in the picture. BM's husband even took her off his checking acct w/in a day (remember she stole FH's money so he is smart to do that). He has moved out and is heading down the road of divorce. And who does BM call for support ME!!!! She asked if I would come over and talk to her last night, so I felt obligated to keep the peace with her. I also wanted to get the scoop and check on SS9 to see if he is okay with it. So of course when I get there BM starts off with a few beers and we start talking about her relationship. When she got to the part where she tells me that he took her off his acct, I said she really couldn't blame him b/c of what she did to FH. She said she still felt so badly about stealing his money she was just angry at him. After bringing that up (this is after like 3 or 4 beers) it comes out in the open that she did try to 'trap' FH by keeping the kid. Even though FH never gave her the time of day after the one night stand. She showed up at another party with mutual friends and tried to come onto him one time afterward and he promptly shoved her off. Oh and she was stealing xanax from the CVS pharmacy that she worked at the time to give to FH and his little High school friends, yet another tactic to keep him around. Which I said "that has always made me mad b/c you stole xanax but you never once stole the morning after pill the night after to prevent pregnancy". That still makes me so mad. She knew what she was doing and she has finally admitted it to me. And that I can totally tell that she still has a school girl crush on my husband!!!!! You don't just go around saying to someone's wife how much you have in common with their husband (which she totally doesn't besides she also likes orange chicken...but who doesn't). Then BM proceeds to ask me how FH will feel about being around her if her husband decides to go through with the divorce. I told her bluntly he won't feel comfortable around you, I'm sorry, he may never feel comfortable around you. She then started crying......really????? She said she was afraid that FH would abandon SS9 b/c her husband wasn't around. And now she is asking me if FH wants SS9 to call him Daddy now....again REALLY???? Now I have a feeling that she isn't going to let us have SS9 without her b/c she will have limited time to see FH, and now that she is single she will probably want that even more. She hasn't mentioned when we will get to see him again or how we will adjust to having him since she can not be around. I don't know it's going to get ugly. Then she proceeds to tell me that if her husband wants to play hard ball she is going to hire a lawyer in the divorce. She is such a witch!!!!! Oh, and I told her that her husband could have adopted SS w/out our permission b/c FH really doesn't have legal rights and we always wondered why if he was so serious he didn't just go ahead and do that. She said I know he doesn't have rights, I mean this is all possible right now b/c I am ALLOWING it! Of course she tried to say it in a nice way but I got her hint loud and clear. It just makes me wonder what kind of bullshit she is going to start pulling now. She is certainly capable of anything, and I mean ANYTHING! I guess court is in our near future. Oh, I am sure there is more that I am leaving out but this is all way too much to process right now.


stepmom2one's picture

"And now she is asking me if FH wants SS9 to call him Daddy now....again REALLY????"

I would have said "that is up to SS9 not us"

I know you just wanted to vent so I won't leave any comments. I am glad you can come here and get this off your chest.

Most Evil's picture

Uhhh - what?!!! If she will listen to you, maybe you could suggest, that she work things out with her husband!! (and not yours, implied!!!)

She sounds like a really lonely person, but I am starting to see why, too!!

I am so sorry honey. But really, maybe she can salvage her marriage (hope?)??
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

LizzieA's picture

I don't know what you have in place regarding visitation but I would get that nailed down to minimize the BS. She sounds like a piece of work. Good boundaries are needed!

jojo68's picture

I don't have worries about BM but an ex-GF that is newly single.She called my BF on Valentines day and let him know. I don't know if there has been any other contact between them since then but I do know that he was absolutely obsessed with this girl when we first got together. She was his wallpaper on his computer. They IM'd and texted each other a lot too. When she got a BF all the contact stopped but she doesn't have the BF anymore so I guess we'll see what happens. I wonder if I had an ex BF as the wallpaper on my computer and texted and IM'd a lot how he would have felt....hmmmm

stepmom008's picture

That brings new meaning to "Baby Mama Drama". Yikes! These conversations should probably not continue to happen however the vindictive side of me says that if you do continue them, you could end up with a lot of information you wouldn't otherwise have. Ethical? No. Interesting? Hell yes!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Constantly_guilty's picture

OK. You and DH need to be done with her. He needs to go to court and fight for ordered visitation. No more of this, come hang out with us crap. You shouldn't be buddies with this woman because she is trying to drag you into an unhealthy, codependent relationship. If she doesn't have any friends whose shoulders she can cry on right now, tough. Don't let her manipulate you.

NewSM10's picture

Oh yes, I agree with all of you. You all agree, not just me over reacting, that she still has a 'thing' for my husband? All of my family, friends, and co workers all want to know and when I tell them, their jaws just drop and they don't know what to say. BM is definitely a piece of work! I just know that if her husband doesn't come back she is going to cause a world of trouble for us, like she did for FH in his past. I can just see her getting jealous when we have a child or move into a bigger home. He warned me about this when we started this process and said that it would just be easier not to deal with her and just pay child support. Also, FH is so not happy with the way the child has been raised, SS9 is acting like a huge brat around us now. And I don't think she will allow us to have SS9 without her being able to see FH, otherwise she wouldn't have asked if he's going to be 'comfortable' around her now that her husband is gone. I flat out told her NO!!!! per FH! Why does FH and I have to spend time with her? Why can't we just pick SS9 up say Hi and Bye and then drop him back off again. Why does FH need to spend time with HER? He is doing this for the child not to be around her ugly a##! FH said that he is going to have to put her in her place soon, like he has already done in the past, and she will freak out. I just don't understand, nor can FH, why she can't get it through her ugly head that FH doesn't like her, never has, never will!!!! The good thing is now that we won't have 'supervised' visitation with her now that her husband is gone, b/c FH refuses to do that, it will limit my time being stuck with her. I send her messages on facebook to check on SS9 but that is it, that is my only concern. I will just not answer my phone if she tries to call again. I am so not putting myself in that position again, even if it does cause problems.

Seriously, if it was ONLY about the child BM wouldn't have any problem letting us have him on our own. I mean, she let him ride back from the skating rink to their house with us the other night. Also, she obviously trusts me if she is calling ME over any of her other friends only minutes after her husband walked out the door. So it isn't about the child to her, it's about her having FH back in her life in some sort of way. I honestly feel that she is hoping deep down that we will just split up and she has fantasies about FH actually wanting to be with her. Of course, FH laughs at this b/c he wouldn't be with her if they were the last two people on earth!

I could go on and on about this. It does feel really good to be able to vent on this site!!! We just don't know what to do b/c we will never have $2,000+ to file for legitimation and visitation in our state. My deductible to have my own child, which we are planning w/in a year, is $1,000 so I feel that is priority. And of course if she starts acting crazy again and refuses to let us, FH, see his bio son then that is her deal not ours. I kind of like her having the control b/c our conscience will clear b/c it will not be 'our' decision, it will be hers.