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So SS9 might NOT be living with us now...

sammmx's picture

We had our meeting with our Children's Aid caseworker today. It went alright I suppose, she kind of is a bitch in my opinion. Not in what she does or says, just how she says it. I feel like she writes herself a script, memorizes it, presents it to us and is out the door. She's always in and out in under half an hour and doesn't really give us a chance to have a conversation or really ask questions. Like she's always on this super tight schedule... she's going on maternity leave soon anyway, so I guess she doesn't want to get too involved?

Anyway, so SS9 (not biologically BF's but he has been the 'Dad' figure, and would still come on visitation) had been living with his Grandma since BM lost custody of the kids in March. When school got out in June and Grandma suddenly has this 9 year old to entertain 24/7 she decided she didn't want that responsibility. So, CAS calls us and asks if we'd be open to taking SS9 too, BF agreed. BF called Grandma to try and work out what was going to happen and when, she got all offended because she wanted to do something like 3 days on - 3 days off, but BF didn't want the kid shipped around, at this point in his life with everything going on he needs stability. So Grandma freaks out, hangs up the phone and we never heard from her again.

A few days ago BM called BF to "rant" about Grandma. Apparently Grandma took it upon herself to track down SS9's BioDad and drop him off on his door step in a town that is 2 hours away. Now the BD hasn't seen SS9 in atleast 3 years, stopped sending birthday/Christmas cards, etc when the last time SS9 was there he referred to BF as his Dad. When SS9 did that, BD called up BM and told her to pick up the kid and lef SS9 sitting on the door step for 2 hours until BM came and got him. So no one was really pleased that Grandma took him BACK there.

When I was talking to BM yesterday she said that SS9 messaged her on Facebook saying something like, "Mom! You should be so happy, Dad's NICE now!" And when I was talking to SS9 he told me he was upset that he had to leave his Dad's and come back. So now the caseworker is leaving it up to SS9 to decide where he wants to live - With his BD or with us. And that is, given that BD has a damn good explanation to CAS and he checks out as a good place for the kid to be.

So that's the update I suppose. Oh, and it looks like SS2 will be staying here indefinitely. Apparently BM told the caseworker it will be a "long time" before she can handle the kids full time again, and by the sounds of it it's going to be a long time before she's even allowed to have the opportunity to have them again. So that's good I guess, part of my concern was her just getting them back with a slap on the wrist.

Things are looking up I suppose, I'm hopefully getting a job come August so getting out of the house and having some purpose other than raising BF's son will really improve my satisifaction in life. Phew.


DaizyDuke's picture

Wow I feel bad for this kid... is he really screwed up yet? Because he has every reason to be.

What will BF do with SS2 when you go back to work?

sammmx's picture

For the most part for us he's actually pretty well behaved as far as doing what he's told and being polite but he's very needing and constantly looking for adult approval and attention, and he cries a lot. But I can see him having issues in the future, already he hangs out with 13 year olds and always asks BF if he can drink a beer, and always asking about what bein drunk feels like. His mother had no rules for him though, one time he came to our house and told me e hadn't showered, brushed his teeth or changed his clothes in 2 weeks. Ick. And SS2 is in daycare 2 days a week as it stands (to give me a break) so he'd probably just start going 5 days a week.