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The golden uterus strikes again!

newbiemommy's picture

She called again just to talk and tell cutesie stories about her kids. Of course SO drops everything to go have a private conversation with her. :sick: Lets not think of the fact that of had been home all night with his brat and he let my dinner get stone cold. Little does he know that I an already making arrangements for my daughter and I starting the first of next year. Just in case... Ugh. I hate this. There has been HUGE improvements lately. But I just am not going to stick around if he wants to continue this little love affair with the golden uterus/wifey.


Kes's picture

It is always wise to have a "plan B" just in case you need one. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I don't know how I would react if DH insisted on having cosy phone chats with BM. His longest conversation with her for years has been about 1 minute, before he puts the phone down on her.

dragonfly5's picture

From one golden vagina to another, let me tell you she maybe the golden uterus. But you have him. Crazo calls me the golden vagina all time. I wear it proudly. She may of had children with my SO but I control the world now. He loves me wants to be with me.

Tell him how it makes you feel lay it out.
Having a private conversation with the ex is weird and rude. Unless you have told him you don't want to hear their converations.

Sorry you are having to plan a "plan b", exit strategy.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Wth I read your blogs and hun u don't see anything wrong here??... Private convos with BM, refuses to tell BM about you and your DD, wants to meet with her alone, goes outside to talk to her and let's your dinner u made him get completely cold for her, he doesn't appreciate what u do for his kids, he takes his problems out on u, has u do all the dirty work for SKids, and again REFUSES TO TELL BM ABOUT YOUR 5 MONTH OLD PREIOUS BABY GIRL!!!!!!! You deserve better and your daughter deserves so much better than this!!!! I wish you would run. I know its hard and love is blind but think about your daughter. He has not only kept her a secret for her 5 short months here but your whole pregnancy!!!!! I bet he didn't keep SKids a secret when BM was prego! I bet he didn't keep BM a secret when he was with her! I'm sure he loves u because u r such a kind, sweet, loving, loyal and wonderful woman. But he doesn't deserve u at all. Idc what his excuses are for this behavior. Nothing NOTHING JUSTIFIES THIS!! I wish you the best and I hope that he changes real fast for you and ur beautiful baby bc you deserve your happy ever after with the man you love but if you don't set him straight right now and tell him A. You will tell BM that you are in love with me B. We have a beautiful 5 month old baby girl C. You will stop talking to her in private D. You will not pick up SKids without me until I feel I can trust u after u causing all of these insecurities E. You will never put BM or her feelings before me ever again and Omg theres more but girl stand up for yourself and lay the law down. If he doesn't do it... Leave him. And make sure when u tell him this that u hand him the phone and tell him to call her right now, infront of you and tell her. If he refuses well IMHO he's probably still seeing her...